Table of Contents
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Governing Policy
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
Software to be developed, purchased or acquired by the University of Minnesota must be accessible to persons with disabilities.
Keyboard Access
- Key combinations used within an application must be consistent throughout the application;
adhere to standard operating system conventions;
and avoid conflict with standard operating system accessibility features/keystrokes. - Only Shift, Alt, and Control must be used as application defined accelerator/modifier keys.
- Standard keyboard navigation functionality must be maintained.
Interface Objects, Elements and Labels
- Standard operating system controls are used that provide clear, correct and concise object identification.
- Accessibility coding is included to provide information regarding the state of an object/control.
Font, Size and Color
- A variety of display options (e.g., font, size, color and background) are provided.
- Patterned backgrounds are disabled when a high-contrast setting is selected.
- Visual-only indicators alone are not used to convey information.
Audio Alerts
- An option to use visual cues for audio alerts is provided.
- Application does not conflict with operating system accessibility features.
Volume Control
- A volume control option for audio output is provided.
- Application respects system volume settings.
Animations and Multimedia
- Multimedia includes captioning.
- Multimedia includes audio description.
- Audio content is accompanied by a transcript.
- An option for disabling animations or multimedia is provided.
Blinking Elements and Marquees
- An option for disabling or adjusting the frequency of blinking/flashing screen elements is provided.
- An option for disabling or adjusting the rate at which screen elements scroll is provided.
Response Times
- Important notifications and messages are displayed until the user makes a response.
- Users are notified of pending time-outs and one or more of the following options is provided.
- A method for indicating that more time is needed.
- A method for adjusting the time interval.
- A non-time dependent alternative.
- Application help files contain accessibility information, including such topics as keyboard navigation and user preference settings. Note: Documentation on standard system keyboard navigation is optional.
- "Accessibility" is included as both a keyword search and help topic item.
- "Keyboard Shortcuts" or similar entry is included as both a keyword search and help topic item.
- Instructions for completing a task include information for both mouse and keyboard users.
- When documentation is not included in an accessible electronic format, documentation must be provided in an accessible format upon request.