University of Minnesota  Appendix

Academic Personnel Plan Template


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I. Purpose of Plan

“The academic appointments policy establishes the standards and procedures for appointments of individuals who will have teaching functions. The University asserts the importance of ensuring that our students are taught by individuals who have appropriate qualifications and who are recognized as teachers and enjoy the privilege of academic freedom. The University also affirms that an appropriate complement of regular faculty will direct the University's ongoing intellectual programs, accompanied by term (non¬tenure track) faculty, academic professional and administrative employees (P&A), and graduate teaching assistants. The University will strive to ensure that all such faculty and P&A employees be appropriately selected, reviewed, and fairly treated.” (Academic Appointments with Teaching Functions Administrative Policy)

This academic personnel plan describes how [College/School/Campus] plans to implement this policy between [current year] and [5 years from current year]. It will be reviewed in [5 years from current year].

II. Unit Context

  • Mission
  • Challenges and opportunities related to unit and their implications for academic personnel
  • Relationships with accrediting bodies/external stakeholders that affect academic personnel

III. Provide the following information for each appointment category listed in the Academic Appointments with Teaching Functions policy

  • What roles are played by those in this category?
  • What percentage of personnel is represented by people in this category?
  • What is the process to hire people in this category, as well as the qualifications required?
  • What are the review processes for people in this category?
  • What professional development do people in this category receive?
  • What are the career advancement options available to people in this category?
  • What changes do you anticipate in the next five years regarding use of this category? 

IV. Supplemental plans

“The collegiate plan must include a specific supplemental plan for any unit in which the number of FTE contract faculty positions (category 2A) plus the number of FTE academic professional positions with primary responsibility for teaching (category 4A) exceeds 25% of the FTE tenured and tenure-track faculty” (Academic Appointments with Teaching Functions Administrative Policy).