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Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
The Timeline for the Petition Process is as follows:
- A petition is filed, with a copy sent to a Senior Administrator* (i.e., President, Chancellor, Senior Vice President, or appropriate Vice President) requesting a response and the appointment of a respondent.
- The respondent is appointed and a written response is submitted (2 weeks).
- If prior informal efforts to resolve through the Office of Conflict Resolution (OCR) have not yet happened, a facilitated dialogue will be scheduled within 30 days of filing the petition.
- If the facilitated dialogue resolves the issue, the matter will be concluded.
- If informal efforts to resolve through OCR are unsuccessful, OCR will appoint a Hearing Officer and the parties will select panelists (2 weeks).
- A pre-hearing conference will be scheduled between the Hearing Officer, parties, advisors, and Director (2-3 weeks to schedule).
- A hearing (1 day) will take place (4-6 weeks after the pre-hearing conference).
- A panel decision will be prepared (1 month).
- The panel decision will be forwarded to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for a final University decision (2 weeks).
- If the decision is in the petitioner’s favor, the University implements the decision.
- If the decision is not in the petitioner’s favor, the petitioner may choose arbitration or appeal to the Minnesota Court of Appeals (2 weeks).
If the formal petition process requires all steps, the process often takes between 4 and 8 months.
* “Senior Administrator” refers to the President, Chancellor, Senior Vice President, or appropriate Vice President for the unit in which the petitioner is employed.