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Policy Statement
The University has adopted a systematic approach to the investment management of all University funds in order to achieve the following objectives:
- maintain access to funds in order to meet current financial obligations
- preserve and improve the value of the University’s financial assets in order to provide support for the mission of the University in perpetuity
- maximize earnings within acceptable levels of risk while meeting liquidity requirements
- ensure compliance with all statutory, legislative, and financial reporting requirements
University assets are consolidated in investment pools in order to achieve specific investment objectives. The four investment pools are:
- Temporary Investment Pool (TIP)
- Group Income Pool (GIP)
- Consolidated Endowment Fund (CEF)
- Separately Invested Funds (SIF)
Colleges/departments are designated custodians of University funds allocated to their unit. Colleges/departments may invest excess resources into an investment pool of their choosing (see Administrative Procedure: Selecting an Investment Option for University Funds), subject to the following restrictions:
- No endowments may be invested in TIP or GIP
- All True endowments, their associated Quasi-restricted endowments, Term, and Life Income funds must be invested in CEF
- Participation in GIP requires a $25,000 minimum and all non-sponsored accounts must have positive aggregate balances. If the balance falls below the minimum, the balance must be brought up to $25,000 in two months or participation ceases
- Quasi-restricted or Quasi-unrestricted endowments will not be established for amounts under $25,000, except to reinvest income from a True endowment
Colleges/departments may not invest the following funds in any investment pool:
- General Operations and Maintenance Funds
- State Special Funds
Reason for Policy
University monies are pooled for collective investment to support the University’s mission. Aggregating funds into pools provides for the execution of asset allocation strategies that provide for greater diversification of asset classes while maximizing total return (dividends, interest income, and capital appreciation) on assets consistent with specific pool objectives.