Table of Contents
Governing Policy
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
Requesting to Scrap, Recycle, or Cannibalize Capital Equipment Assets
Departments can elect to scrap, recycle or cannibalize a capital equipment asset that is no longer used. The University must have title to the capital equipment assets that are scrapped, recycled or cannibalized. Accounting Services can verify the University has title to the equipment. Contact Accounting Services at [email protected] for assistance in determining ownership.
Departments must:
- Complete form UM 1393: Capital Equipment Asset Disposal from the Forms Library.
- Forward the form to Accounting Services at [email protected].
- Dean, department head, or administrator's signature is required on this form. Approval authorization can be delegated based on the President’s Delegations of Authority Program: FN02 - External sales of good and services.
- Accounting Services will review the form to ensure the University has title to the asset.
- If Accounting Services authorizes the disposal, an approved copy will be sent back to the submitting department.
- The disposal cannot occur if it has not been approved by Accounting Services.
- When the approved copy is received by the department, the property may be sent to the recycling center.
- The capital equipment asset tag should be removed before the item leaves the University premises.
- Accounting Services will make the adjustment in the PeopleSoft Asset Management module.
Scrap or recycled items can be sent to the Como Recycling Facility or the ReUse Center by contacting one of the vendors below to arrange transportation:
- Facilities Management ReUse Program at 612-626-9152
- Alexander’s Mobility Services at 952-881-4128
- Beltmann Group Inc 651-639-2885
Unwanted computer equipment will be picked up free of charge by Waste Recovery Services, email [email protected] or call (612) 626-9152.