University of Minnesota  FAQ

Using a University Corporate Card


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Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

  1. What if I am unable to sign the application physically?

    Alternate methods, such as email, may be used to acknowledge and accept the terms of the cardholder agreement/application.

  2. When activating my card, I am asked to enter the last four digits of my unique identifier or Social Security #. What number is this?

    Enter the last four digits of your employee ID number, which you provided on your application form. If asked for the Organization's Short Name, provide UMN01.

  3. What are the spending limits on the card?

    For sponsored and non-sponsored accounts, the university's per-purchase maximum is $5,000. The University's monthly credit limit per card is $15,000. Department Card Administrators or Chief Financial Managers may authorize alternative amounts for monthly and/or per-transaction limits.

  4. If a merchant asks for a "Bill to" or "Verification" address, what should I provide?

    Give the address that appears on the tri-fold sheet that was attached to your procurement card when it was issued. The address given to the merchant is verified with the bank. Entry of this information can be very sensitive, so it is important to pay attention to abbreviations and the order in which your address is provided (for example, street address, then room number, and building name).

  5. If a merchant wants a phone number for verification, whose number do I give them?

    Provide the Card Program Office’s phone number: 612-626-1562.

  6. I have a travel card, but I want to use my personal American Express Delta card to pay for my airfare to save on baggage fees. Is this okay?

    The American Express Delta card does not have to be used to receive Delta's free bag benefit. When booking your airfare, make sure to include your Delta SkyMiles number on your reservation, which is tied to your American Express Delta card. When you get to the airport, you can show your American Express Delta card and receive the free baggage benefit.

  7. I am traveling with other University employees, and we are sharing a rental car. Can one person pay for the rental car and submit the expense for approval, or does the rental need to be paid for out-of-pocket and each employee seeks reimbursement for their portion of the rental?

    One employee can pay for and submit the expense for approval. If the expense needs to be allocated amongst multiple ChartField strings to pay for the rental, add the appropriate ChartField strings to the expense when submitting for approval.

  8. Are there different guidelines when card purchases will be paid for using restricted funds such as sponsored funds?

    In addition to following University purchasing, hospitality, or business expenses policies, purchases using sponsored funds must strictly adhere to OMB Uniform Guidance and any other appropriate sponsor or agency guidelines. These guidelines may restrict the purchasing of specific items. It is the cardholder's responsibility to be aware of their own sponsor's rules and guidelines and make only appropriate purchases. Questions concerning the types of expenses allowed on sponsored funds should be directed to the Principal Investigator or Certified Approver.

  9. Is it possible for training materials to be viewed in a format other than PDF?

    Yes, contact the Financial Helpline at [email protected] to request an alternate format.