University of Minnesota  Procedure

Administrative Degree Clearance: Rochester, Twin Cities


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Undergraduate students are admitted to a college at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities or to the Rochester campus to pursue a baccalaureate degree. Students who have completed the required degree program, college, campus, and University requirements may be cleared for graduation, regardless of whether the student has submitted the application to graduate for the current or a future term (Promoting Timely Graduation by Undergraduates policy). This procedure document outlines how Administrative Degree Clearance is implemented.

Reason for Procedure

Undergraduate degree-seeking students apply for graduation for the term/year during which they plan to complete degree requirements. However, there are instances when a student has completed degree requirements but has not applied to graduate, and it is appropriate to take administrative action to clear the student for the student's degree. The Twin Cities colleges and Rochester campus that grant undergraduate degrees are responsible for timely monitoring and follow-up regarding students’ progress toward degree. This procedure specifies common practices, timelines, and guidelines for implementation, ensuring that students across all of the colleges are treated equitably.


If an NHS student has completed 4 years (8 semesters) or an NAS student has completed 3 years (6 semesters) and completed degree requirements, but:

  • has not applied for graduation,
  • or has a future-dated expected graduation term/year,
  • or has not provided acceptable rationale for delaying graduation,

the collegiate student services offices will take the following actions:

Step 1: College will attempt to contact the student

The college will make three attempts to contact the student through University email or by phone calls to the permanent phone number (if available) within a three-week time period. The three-week period will begin with the first attempt to contact the student.

If the student does not respond, the third attempt to contact the student should state that the college will clear the student for the student's degree unless the student responds with acceptable rationale for delaying graduation within 10 business days of the last contact attempt. Sample language is as follows:

Dear Student,

We have attempted to contact you regarding your academic plan on multiple occasions dating back to June 17, 20xx. This will serve as our last attempt to contact you. You have ten business days to respond to this email. If we do not hear from you, we will move forward with posting your degree. This action may impact your financial aid eligibility and ability to study abroad.

If you have any questions, please contact your advising office by email at _____ or phone _____. Unless we hear otherwise from you, your diploma will be printed with your primary name and mailed to your home address on file with the University.

If you wish to file a petition outlining your desired degree date, please work with your academic advisor to submit the Academic Policy Petition available on One Stop.

If the student responds with a petition stating rationale for delaying the degree, the advisor will review the petition and, with approval of the collegiate advising office, forward it to the Office of Undergraduate Education at [email protected] requesting to delay graduation. Petitions to delay graduation fall under the authority of the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education. (See FAQ 6 for information regarding petitions at the Rochester campus.)

Step 2: Clear student for degree and notify the student

If the student is unresponsive after step 1 or if a petition is not approved, the college will clear the student for the student's degree on the 10th business day after the last attempt to contact the student. The advisor will notify the student that the student has been cleared for degree per the regular degree clearance process.

Step 3: Notify Office of the Registrar

It will be the college advising unit’s responsibility to notify the Office of the Registrar that the student has been cleared for the degree if the student falls outside the normal clearance procedure dates.

Step 4: Mail diploma

After the degree is posted, the diploma will be mailed to the most recent address listed on the student’s official system record (unless there is a diploma hold).

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