Table of Contents
Please use the contact section in the governing policy.
- How do I know if my post-baccalaureate certificate is governed by this policy?
Students should contact their post-baccalaureate certificate program in order to confirm whether their certificate is governed by this policy.
- Will my post-baccalaureate certificate be recorded on my transcript?
Individual courses that you complete as part of your post-baccalaureate certificate will be recorded on your transcript. If your post-baccalaureate certificate has been officially approved by the Board of Regents, it will also be recorded on your transcript.
- Can I include credits from my completed University post-baccalaureate certificate toward a subsequent University master's or doctoral degree?
Yes, credits from a completed post-baccalaureate certificate program may be counted toward a subsequent master's or doctoral degree. The number of credits that may be counted is at the discretion of the degree-granting program.
- Can I include credits from my undergraduate degree toward a post-baccalaureate certificate?
In general, no. Credits taken prior to the award of a baccalaureate degree may not be counted toward a subsequent post-baccalaureate certificate, except under special circumstances. (See questions 5, 6 and 7).
- I want to apply and begin a post-baccalaureate certificate program before I complete my undergraduate degree. Can I do this?
Yes, students from any University undergraduate program may apply to a graduate program when they have more than seven credits or two courses to complete for their baccalaureate degree (including grades of Incomplete); however, when they first enroll as a graduate student, they may have no more than seven credits or two courses to complete for their undergraduate degree.
This also applies to current University students in officially approved intergrated bachelor's/post-baccalaureate certificate programs (programs that allow concurrent study toward a bachelor’s degree and a post-baccalaureate certificate).
- Can I be admitted to a post-baccalaureate certificate program that is linked to my undergraduate program while I still have more than one semester of undergraduate coursework remaining?
Yes, current University students in officially approved integrated bachelor’s/post-baccalaureate certificate programs may be admitted to the post-baccalaureate certificate program prior to the award of the bachelor's degree if allowed under the admission requirements of the integrated program.
- I want to pursue a post-baccalaureate certificate that is not an officially approved joint bachelor's/certificate program, and I want to take some of the graduate-level courses required for the post-baccalaureate certificate prior to the last term of my senior year. Can I use these credits toward my certificate?
Yes, you may count these graduate credits toward your certificate if your college seeks an exception to the requirement that a U.S. bachelor's degree or its foreign equivalent is required for admission.
- My program would like to require a higher GPA for its master’s and doctoral students. May we impose higher GPA requirements?
Yes. Graduate programs may impose more stringent GPA requirements for their students. The higher GPA requirement may pertain to the overall GPA or to the degree plan coursework.
- My program would like to require higher grades on the degree plan than specified by the University policy. May we do this?
Yes. Graduate programs may impose more stringent requirements for grades included on the student’s degree plan.
- My program would like to require its graduate students to earn higher grades for particular courses in the major. May we do this?
Yes. Graduate programs may impose more stringent grading requirements for courses its students complete in the major.