University of Minnesota  Crookston Campus Policy

Priority Registration: Crookston


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

Priority registration allows a student with a documented disability to be granted permission to register at the beginning of the registration queue for the following reasons:

  • the time required for travel between classes regularly exceeds the ten minutes available to students, and requires careful scheduling;
  • the student requires the assistance of a personal care attendant and must arrange classes to coincide to the maximum degree possible with the availability of attendant care;
  • the student's health, or the necessity of arranging for other ongoing support services not associated with University of Minnesota Crookston (UMC), requires continuity of scheduling;
  • time for renovation or relocation of classroom space may be required to ensure access for the student when the course is scheduled to begin; and
  • other reasons as approved by the academic adviser and the Disability Resource Center coordinator.

Reason for Policy

Provided appropriate accommodations.


Policy Contacts
Subject Contact Phone Email
Primary Contact Jason Tangquist, Registrar 218-281-8424 [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Registrar, UMC
  • Jason Tangquist
    Registrar, UMC


  1. The student or the student's academic advisor must submit a request for priority registration to Disability Resource Center (DRC).
  2. The request and the DRC recommendation will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar (OTR) for action.
  3. The OTR will notify the student regarding the decision within five academic days, and if approved, the assigned registration date and time.
  4. The student may submit an appeal of a denied request to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs within five days of notification of the denial.

Other Information

There is no "Other Information" supporting this policy.

Policy History

Approved by Operations Committee 12/20/96