University of Minnesota  Crookston Campus Policy

Fundraising: Crookston


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

UMC Student Clubs and Organizations

The Crookston Student Association must approve all fundraising activities by student clubs and organizations require. The student clubs and organizations must follow established policy and procedures. (Contact the Office of Student Activities for more information.)

If off-campus solicitation will occur, the Director of Development & Development Office must be consulted and their approval obtained. Dependent on input received, specific details and/or timing may be revised. All monetary, commitment, and in-kind gifts received by the University must be reported to the University of Minnesota Foundation through the Office of Development to ensure the proper receipting and recording of all gifts in accordance with federal tax law.

UMC Departments

Departments wishing to hold a fundraising activity must obtain all required approved prior to conducting the activity (see procedures below). Departments are responsible for retaining a copy of the documentation.

Departments must properly account for all funds received through this activity by following standard University operating procedures working in conjunction with the Business Office.

Reason for Policy

This policy assists student groups in strengthening their fundraising activity and to avoid any conflicts with on-going fundraising efforts with off-campus constituents.


Primary ContactT. Dale Scully, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs218-281-8505[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  • T. Dale Scully
    Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs


  1. Details of the proposed fundraiser are sent to the immediate supervisor for review and approval prior to beginning the activity (e.g., coach to Athletic Director, department head to Center Director, staff person to unit director).
  2. A written proposal is then submitted to the appropriate administrator (e.g., Vice Chancellor for Academic and A Student Affairs) for preliminary approval to proceed prior to proceeding to step 3.
  3. The department shares information on the proposed fundraiser with the Crookston Student Association. Formal approval is not required. This is intended to avoid simultaneous fundraisers occurring and/or conflicts with other clubs/organizations fundraisers. Dependent on input received specific details and/or timing may be revised.
  4. If off-campus solicitation will occur, the department must consult with the Development Office and obtain their approval. Dependent on input received, specific details and/or timing may be revised. All monetary, commitment, and in-kind gifts received by the University must be reported to the University of Minnesota Foundation through the Office of Development to ensure the proper receipting and recording of all gifts in accordance with federal tax law.
  5. If external sales (see Administrative Policy: Selling Goods and Services to External Customers) will occur, the Director of Finance needs to be consulted and their approval obtained. External sales activity must be conducted in accordance with University policy and procedures to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations and to minimize legal, insurance, and tax risks. Dependent on input received specific details and/or timing may be revised.
  6. The appropriate administrator (e.g., Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs) will communicate to the Executive Committee the proposed fundraiser. Ordinarily this will be a "for your information" communication. If concerns are expressed formal approval may be required.
  7. Upon approval by the appropriate administrator (e.g., Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs), and the Executive Committee (if required), the fundraiser may occur.

Other Information

There is no "Other Information" supporting this policy.

Policy History


May 2016 - Revised


December 2009 - Revised


September 2001 - Revised


March 2001