University of Minnesota  Crookston Campus Policy

Classes, Events and Athletic Events during the Study Day/Finals Week Period: Crookston


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Policy Statement

Classes and Events during the Study Day/Finals Week Period

  1. No classes are permitted after the last day of instruction.
  2. No University-sponsored activities1 may be scheduled from the beginning of study day to the end of finals week. Exceptions to this policy may be granted ONLY by the Academic Standards and Policy Committee through whatever procedure it determines most feasible. Any exemption granted pursuant to this policy (that is, with the explicit authorization of the Academic Standards and Policy Committee) will be honored and students who are unable to complete course requirements during finals week as a result of that exemption must be provided an alternative and timely opportunity to do so.

    1University-sponsored activities include, but not limited to, such things as athletic events, music or theater performances, and club, student organization or student association programs and events. Criteria to be used to determine what constitutes A University sponsored event or activity will be based on such factors as the use of student fees, University funding or facilities, charging admission, and the University’s role in scheduling and involvement in the event. The Academic Standards & Policy Committee will resolve any questions regarding this provision.

Athletic Events during Study Day and Finals Week

In those instances where post-season competitive events occur during study day or finals week, the Academic Standards and Policy Committee will consider them approved (that is, without requiring explicit action on the part of the Committee) subject to the following conditions:

  1. The event is in logical progression in the sport, leading from in-season competition to conference or regional championships and then to national championship competition; and,
  2. The coach or other staff member in the athletic program must demonstrate to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs that satisfactory alternative academic arrangements have been made; and,
  3. The event is conducted under the aegis of the NCAA or the appropriate national sport governing body if it is not the NCAA.

The Athletic Director will annually report in writing to the Academic Standards and Policy Committee, early in the fall semester: (a.) on the arrangements that are made pursuant to paragraph 2, above; (b.) on the number of student-athletes who missed any study day or any part of final examinations during the preceding year; and (c.) on the academic performance of those student-athletes.

Post-season or other athletic events that are invitational in nature, rather than a natural progression to a championship, and which would take place during study day or finals week, require the specific approval of the Academic Standards and Policy Committee before participation may occur.

Subject only to the exception noted in this policy, no travel or competition is permitted from the period beginning with, and including, study day and ending with the last day of final examinations. Home events may be scheduled in the evening of the last day of final examinations if the examination schedule is concluded by 1800.

Reason for Policy

Rules and guidelines are provided to ensure that student athletes and faculty have a common understanding of what is expected and permitted when athletes have scheduled events during study day and finals weeks.


Policy Contacts
Primary ContactJason Tangquist, Registrar218-281-8424[email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Registrar, UMC
  • Jason Tangquist
    Registrar, UMC


There are no procedures supporting this policy.

Other Information

Policy History

  • approved by the Academic Standards & Policy Committee, 03/26/2008
  • approved by the Faculty Assembly, April 25, 2008