University of Minnesota  College Constitution

School of Public Health Constitution


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The School of Public Health is dedicated to education, search for knowledge, academic excellence, and service to the profession and to the people of the State, the Nation, and the world. It is the purpose of this constitution to foster an active, informed faculty, and to promote open communication among all members of the community of the School of Public Health. Toward this end, the Constitution provides a democratic framework in which are defined the roles of the Dean, the faculty, academic professional and administrative staff, civil service/bargaining unit staff and students in initiating recommendations, formulating decisions, and communicating the basis for decisions to those affected.

Section 1. Purpose 


The mission of the School of Public Health is to preserve and enhance the health of the public through education, research, and service programs designed to discover and transmit new knowledge aimed at the prevention of disease and disability, the improvement of health, and the planning, analysis, management, evaluation, and improvement of systems for the delivery of health services. 


  1. Education: It is a goal of the School of Public Health to educate students to serve more effectively the health needs of communities. The School will provide suitable educational opportunities to augment the students' knowledge of public health principles and to assist them in developing appropriate skills and attitudes. The School shall participate in the continuing education of health professionals and in the education of the citizens of the State, the Nation, and the world. 
  2. Research: It is a goal of the School of Public Health to conduct research and to stimulate scholarly activity, with the aim of enhancing the well-being of the public. 
  3. Service: It is a goal of the School of Public Health to provide a broad range of consultative and direct services to organizations in support of the School's educational and research programs. It will respond, as appropriate, to community and individual health needs through publications and faculty participation in educational and research endeavors

Section 2. Members, their Rights and Privileges

The members of the School of Public Health shall be its Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans, faculty, students, academic professional and administrative (P&A) staff, and civil service/bargaining unit staff.

Members of the School shall participate where appropriate in the affairs of the School. Such affairs include governance, committee activities, grievance procedures, and the development and updating of the School's Constitution and Bylaws.

The rights, privileges, and responsibilities of individual members of the School of Public Health shall be in accord with the current University Senate Policy on Academic Freedom and Responsibility. 

Procedures to be followed for removal of members for cause shall be in accordance with the current University regulations and policies. 

The School of Public Health will be in compliance with grievance and misconduct policies of the University. The School will have a Grievance Committee as established under the University Grievance Policy. 

This Constitution is not part of the employment contract between the University and its employees. It does not establish terms and conditions of employment.

Article I. General Powers

All matters relating to the educational and administrative affairs of the School are committed to the Dean and the School faculty as delegated by the Board of Regents and in accordance with the Constitution of the University Senate and consistent with actions of these bodies heretofore or hereafter taken. These authorities may be modified by subsequent action of the Board of Regents. All actions of the School will be taken in compliance with all appropriate University rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

Article II. Dean

Section 1. 

The principal administrative officer shall be designated as the Dean of the School of Public Health. The Dean shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President of the University. In appointing a Dean, the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences is empowered to appoint a search committee which shall include representatives from the divisions within the School. The search committee will be charged with the responsibility of submitting a limited number of nominees from which the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President may select a candidate to recommend to the Board of Regents for final approval. The Dean shall report administratively to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences. 

Section 2.

The Dean shall be appointed for an initial fixed term of three years (J appointment), The Senior Vice President for Health Sciences is responsible for annual reviews and evaluation of the Dean. During the third year of the initial appointment, a major review shall be undertaken in a manner and form determined by the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and in accord with University policy for administrative reviews. 

The review shall include formal consultation with the School of Public Health faculty and other relevant constituents. Following this review of the Dean, the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences shall forward a recommendation for reappointment or non-reappointment to the President of the University along with a concise summary of the review process, finding, and conclusion. Subsequent administrative appointments shall be annual and renewable (K appointment), based each year on a performance evaluation carried out in accordance with University policy. At least every five years this annual review will take the form of a major review as defined above. 

Section 3. 

The Dean, as the Chief Executive Officer of the School, shall have general administrative responsibility over the affairs of the School in the following areas: educational resources, and space. The Dean is accountable through the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President to the Board of Regents. Where action of the Board of Regents is requested or required, the Dean shall make such recommendations as are necessary through the appropriate administrative channel to the President of the University. Such recommendations for Board of Regents action shall include, but not be limited to, the appointment, promotion, tenure and salary of all faculty. The Dean shall have final authority to make budgetary recommendations to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President of the University. Following established consultative processes the Dean shall be responsible for allocation of the School's financial and space resources in accordance with established University policies and procedures. 

Section 4. 

The Dean shall be responsible to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences for development and implementation of the School's mission, goals and objectives. The Dean and the Policy Council shall develop and implement an organizational structure within the School to further the accomplishment of the mission. 

Section 5. 

The Dean, or a designated representative, shall represent the School both internally and externally in relationship to University matters, provide leadership in fostering innovative programs, formulate policies, introduce and test educational ideas and proposals, and support efforts toward continued improvement of the School's programs. In carrying out these responsibilities the Dean shall consult with the Policy Council. 

Section 6. 

The Dean may, following consultation with the Policy Council, recommend appointment of one or more Associate or Assistant Deans as may be required subject to final Public Health. The Dean shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President of the University. In appointing a Dean, the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences is empowered to appoint a search committee which shall include representatives from the divisions within the School. The search committee will be charged with the responsibility of submitting a limited number of nominees from which the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President may select a candidate to recommend to the Board of Regents for final approval. The Dean shall report administratively to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences. 

Section 7. 

The Dean may, following consultation with the Policy Council, recommend appointment of one or more Associate or Assistant Deans as may be required subject to final approval by the Board of Regents. The performance evaluation of the Associate or Assistant Deans shall be in the form and manner determined by the Dean in conformance with University policies for reviewing administrators, but shall include formal consultation with the Policy Council. 

Section 8. 

The Dean may appoint School-wide officers as may be required or deemed necessary in accordance with the University's affirmative action policy and procedures.

Article Ill. Faculty

Section 1. Definition:

The faculty of the School shall be all faculty personnel holding primary appointments in the School as Regents' Professor, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor. The faculty of the School of Public Health will share in the responsibility for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the School's educational, research, and service efforts as well as shared governance of the School. Faculty may be either contract or “regular appointments” as defined by the University. A regular appointment refers to either a faculty member with either indefinite tenure or a faculty member who is probationary on a tenure track. Individual faculty members are expected to serve on committees within the School, the Academic Health Center, and the University. 

Section 2. Academic Freedom, Faculty Rights, Privileges, Responsibilities and Grievances:

The faculty shall be governed by the policies and procedures of the Board of Regents and the University in all matters addressed by those documents or policies which are in effect at the time of adoption or amendment of this Constitution, or as such documents or policies may be subsequently amended including, but not limited to, policies and procedures on academic freedom, responsibility on harassment, and on implementation of the faculty tenure regulations.

Section 3. Voting Faculty:

The voting faculty of the School of Public Health shall be composed of the the faculty defined in Section 1, who are budgeted through the School with an appointment of at least 50 percent. Specific votes in the School may refer to the “regular voting faculty” of the School of Public Health which consists of faculty in the school with regular appointments. Adjunct and affiliate faculty do not hold voting rights in the SPH, except where otherwise noted. 

The definition of the voting faculty of the School of Public Health for the purposes of this Constitution shall not govern the designation of voting members in the conduct of matters wholly within one of the School's Divisions or majors, nor voting for the purposes of academic appointment, promotion, and tenure.

Article IV. Other Constituencies

Section 1. Academic Professional and Administrative (P&A) Staff

Academic professional and administrative staff shall consist of professional personnel who are assigned to duties enhancing the research, teaching and service functions of the School and of administrative personnel who are involved in policy development or execution or in directing, coordinating, or supervising activities in the School. 

Section 2. Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Staff 

Civil service/bargaining unit employees are support staff and scientific/technical staff hired through the University's Office of Human Resources and affiliated with units administratively within the School, 

Section 3. Student Professional Training Appointees

Student/Professional Training appointees are those holding appointments in the 95XX classes, such as graduate assistants and postdoctoral associates. 

Section 4. Students 

Students are those who have been admitted to and who are currently enrolled in the School of Public Health or in appropriate Graduate School degree programs and who are in good standing. 

Section 5. Rights and Privileges

Academic professional and administrative staff, civil service/bargaining unit staff, student/professional training appointees and students are expected to participate in the affairs of the School, including its governance, its committees, its grievance procedures and in the revision of the School Constitution and Bylaws. Representation on School committees shall be chosen according to procedures specified in the Bylaws of this Constitution. 

Article V. Governance And Administrative Structure

Section 1. Policy Council


The Policy Council shall consist of the following voting members:

  1. The Dean, who shall chair the Council.
  2. The Head of each Division.
  3. One faculty member from each Division elected by secret ballot by the voting faculty of their Division and three other at-large faculty members from the School, elected by secret ballot by the voting faculty of the School
  4. The Chair of the Academic Professional and Administrative (P&A) Senate.
  5. The President of the Student Senate.
  6. The President of the Staff Association, or an elected nonunion representative if the President is a member of a bargaining unit.
  7. The Chair of the Educational Policy Committee. 

The following shall sit as nonvoting, ex officio members of the Policy Council: 

  1. Associate and Assistant Deans. 
  2. One of the School's representatives to the University Senate. 
  3. Any School faculty member elected to serve on the University Faculty Consultative Committee. 

Elected faculty will serve terms of three years each, with the terms staggered so that approximately one-third of the elected members are newly elected each year, Division Heads are ineligible to serve as an elected member, Vacancies in a term will be filled by special elections of the relevant Division, P&A Senate, Staff Association, Student Senate, Educational Policy Committee or the faculty at large. The University Senators from the School will select a representative to the Policy Council from among themselves.

Operating Rules:

The Policy Council shall meet at least monthly. The Dean or any three other voting members can call a meeting or place any item on the agenda of the meeting. The agenda shall be distributed in advance to all Policy Council members. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed to the School.

A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of voting members of the Council, as long as it consists of at least the Dean or the Dean's designate, at least half of the elected faculty, and at least half of the Division Heads. If the Dean cannot attend, the Dean must provide a designate to chair the meeting. If other voting members of the Council cannot attend, they may designate another person from their constituency to act on their behalf so long as they inform the Chair of the Council prior to the meeting. The absent member may instruct their designates action and bind the designates vote in the Policy Council. 

Functions and Powers:

  1. To develop and oversee policies governing the School of Public Health. These shall include the mission, vision and goals of the School; programmatic priorities; the strategic plan; the organizational structure, including the creation, dissolution, or merger of any division, major; and strategies of funding and resource allocation. The Dean shall be required to present all proposed new policies and policy changes in these areas to the Policy Council, in advance of any action, for their review and vote. In addition, the Dean or any three voting members of the Council may propose a new policy or policy change in any of these areas. Prior to implementation, approval of new policies and policy changes which affect the organizational structure of the School, including the creation, dissolution, or merger of any division, or major, requires a two-thirds vote of the members eligible to vote. Approval of new policies and policy changes in the other areas requires a simple majority of voting members eligible to vote if the Dean has proposed the policy, otherwise, it requires approval by two-thirds of the voting members eligible to vote. 

    In addition, the Council shall be responsible for the oversight of policy implementation. 

  2. To consider all School-wide policy issues of concern to the Council member constituencies, c. To initiate whatever studies within its powers that it deems necessary or to request such studies from the Dean or from standing committees of the School. ise the Dean on proposed decisions involving major administrative appointments. e. To report regularly on any matters which, in its judgment, should be brought to the attention of the School-at-large. To submit an annual report to the Assembly.

Section 2. Divisions and Division Heads

Designation of Divisions:

The Dean shall have the authority to create and dissolve Divisions within the School with the approval of the Policy Council. Prior to such creation or dissolution, the Dean will initiate a review to ascertain the impact of the proposed changes on the School's mission, goals, and objectives. The Dean will present a written report of the findings of such review to the Policy Council and the School Assembly.

Appointment of Division Heads:

Division Heads shall be appointed by the Dean after consultation that includes a secret ballot of members of the faculty within that Division. Division Heads shall be faculty members of the School of Public Health and be accountable to the Dean. The Dean shall conduct an annual review of the performance of each Division Head. The review shall be in the form and manner determined by the Dean in conformance with University policies. By the fifth year of the appointment, the continuation of the appointment will be made by the Dean after consultation with the faculty that includes a secret ballot of the faculty of that division and after consultation with other relevant constituents. The results of votes at the time of appointment and at the five-year review are to be made known to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences.


The Division Heads shall implement the School's mission and goals and assure the financial stability of their Division in collaboration with the Dean, and they shall foster collaborative efforts among the Divisions. They shall serve as the advisory and review Management Subcommittee of the Policy Council, providing the Dean with recommendations in management and administrative matters of School-wide nature. These shall include School-wide strategic and operational planning, policies and procedures, resource requests and allocations, performance in relation to the School's mission and goals, and coordination of the School's programs of study.

Section 3. School Assembly

Membership: The School Assembly shall be composed of the following members: (a) the Dean; (b) the faculty; (c) the academic professional and administrative staff; (d) the members of the Staff Association; and (e) the members of the Student Senate. Academic officers with class titles 9302-9329 shall serve as ex officio. The Dean shall chair the Assembly. 

Purpose: The School Assembly shall function as a forum for consideration of any matters regarding the welfare of the faculty, academic professional and administrative staff, civil service/bargaining unit staff, and students which affect the School as a whole. It shall not have authority over the internal affairs of any subunit of the School. The Assembly shall review and comment on changes in the School's Constitution and Bylaws.


  1. The Assembly may directly receive matters for consideration from any individual member or constituent group of the School; and it may offer advice and recommendations to the Dean, the Policy Council, or any of the other governance units in the School.
  2. Upon recommendation of the Policy Council, the School Assembly may delegate particular matters for further study by either the faculty, P&A Senate, Staff Association, the Student Senate, or School committees.
  3. In general, matters delegated to the Student Senate shall include but not be limited to matters in the area of student government, student organizations, and student publications.
  4. In general, matters delegated to the faculty shall include but not be limited to the development, implementation, and evaluation of the School's education, research and service efforts; accreditation; policies and procedures concerning faculty appointment and tenure; and faculty professional and personal welfare.
  5. The Assembly may establish ad hoc committees to study issues and undertake other projects as necessary. Ad hoc committees must report back to the Assembly no later than the next meeting of the Assembly.

School Assembly Agenda and Minutes:

The Dean, in consultation with the Chairs and Presidents of each constituent group, will prepare the agenda. The agenda shall include reports from the Chairs of the standing committees (except the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee), the Chairs or Presidents of School constituencies, and the Dean. Once a year, the Dean shall provide a State of the School Address. The agenda of each School Assembly meeting shall be distributed in advance to all Assembly members and to others in such manner as the School Assembly may direct. The minutes of the Assembly meetings shall be distributed to all Assembly members.

School Assembly Meetings:

The School Assembly shall hold regular meetings, at least once in each academic year, at a time and place determined by the Chair. Special meetings of the School Assembly may be held upon the call of the Chair or upon request of the Policy Council or upon written request of ten members of the Assembly.

Any student, student/professional training appointee, or civil service/bargaining unit staff member may be admitted to Assembly meetings and shall be entitled to speak at the discretion of the Chair.

Section 4. The Faculty 


The faculty members of the School as defined in Article III., Section 1. 

Functions and Powers:

The powers allocated to the faculty by the Regents or by the Regulations Concerning Faculty Tenure. 

Meetings and Agendas:

The meetings of the faculty will occur not less than once in each semester of the academic year or upon the request of at least 10 members of the voting faculty. The Dean or a faculty designate of the Dean shall serve as chairperson of the meetings of the faculty. The agenda for Faculty meetings shall be developed by the Dean in consultation with the Faculty Consultative Committee and be distributed to all faculty at least five working days in advance of the meetings. The agenda for special meetings shall be distributed to all members with the notice of the meetings. 

Operating Rules:

At any regular or special meeting of the Faculty, a majority of the faculty shall constitute a quorum. All members of the faculty shall be entitled to speak and to offer motions for action. Only those designated as voting faculty (Article I., Section 3.) shall be entitled to vote. Minutes of Faculty meetings shall be distributed to all faculty. 

Faculty Consultative Committee:

Elected faculty members of the Policy Council (Article V., Section 1.) shall constitute the Faculty Consultative Committee (FCC) to represent, discuss, and seek action on concerns of the faculty of the School of Public Health. Each year, the members of the FCC shall select a chair from among themselves. 

The FCC shall supervise the nomination and election of at-large Policy Council faculty members. The FCC is encouraged to meet with the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences at least once each year to represent, discuss, and seek action on concerns of the faculty regarding the School of Public Health, the Academic Health Center, and the University.

Section 5. Academic Professional and Administrative (P&A) Senate 

The P&A Senate shall address issues of concern to the academic professional and administrative staff in the School of Public Health. It shall advise to Division Heads, the Policy Council, or the Dean on matters of concern to academic professional and administrative staff. It shall recommend academic professional and administrative staff members to serve on standing or ad hoc committees of the School when such membership is deemed appropriate by the Dean. The P&A Senate shall review and comment upon proposed revisions to the School's Constitution or Bylaws before they are submitted to voting faculty for ratification. 


The membership of the P&A Senate shall be composed of one academic professional or administrative staff person from each Division, and a total of one for all the central administrative offices in the School, 


All academic professional and administrative employees of each Division shall elect one of their members who is at least 75 percent time as a representative to the P&A Senate during the spring semester. Elected members will serve terms of two years each, with the terms staggered so that no more than 50 percent of the elected members are new each year. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate shall be elected from among the members of the P&A Senate at the first meeting after the Regents' approval of the Constitution. The Vice Chair of the P&A Senate will automatically assume the role of Chair for the following year to help ensure continuity of the P&A Senate's goals and on-going projects. A Vice Chair will be elected at the first meeting following spring semester elections or a vacancy of the position. 


The P&A Senate shall meet at regular intervals, as designated by the Senate, Special meetings may be called by the Dean, by the Chair of the Senate, or by one-third of the membership of the Senate. 


Changes to the structure, the election procedures, or the membership of the P&A Senate can be implemented with a majority vote of the academic professional and administrative staff in the School.

Section 6. Staff Association

The Staff Association shall address issues of concern to the civil service/bargaining unit staff in . the School of Public Health. It shall advise and make recommendations to Division Heads, the Policy Council, or the Dean on matters of concern to the civil service/bargaining unit staff. It shall recommend civil service/bargaining unit staff to serve on standing committees or ad hoc committees of the School when such membership is deemed appropriate by the Dean. The Association shall review and comment upon proposed revisions to the School's Constitution or Bylaws before these are submitted to the voting faculty for ratification.

Members and Election:

The membership of the Staff Association shall be composed of one civil service/bargaining unit representative from each Division, and a total of one for all the central administrative offices in the School. Each Division with more than 100 civil service/>bargaining unit staff of at least 75 percent time shall elect a second member. Elected members will serve terms of two years each, with the terms staggered so that no more than 50 percent of the elected members are new each year. The election shall take place in the spring semester for the new academic year. 


Following the spring election, a Vice President will be selected from among the members. The Vice President of the Staff Association will automatically assume the role of President for the following year to help ensure continuity of the Staff Association's goals and on-going projects. If the Vice President cannot complete their term for any reason, then the Staff Association will conduct a special election among their members for a replacement at the next scheduled meeting.


The Association shall meet at a regular interval, as designated by the Association. Special meetings may be called by the Dean, by the President of the Association, or by one third of the membership of the Association.

Section 7. Student Senate

The Public Health Student Senate shall attempt to improve all aspects of graduate and professional education. The Student Senate shall work to create a positive environment for students to learn, work and socialize within the School of Public Health. The Student Senate shall consider any matter that directly influences or affects the graduate and professional student body in whole or part as a valid item for its interest and deliberation. A primary consideration will be that of an interdisciplinary approach to the solution of problems and the building of cohesion among the majors in the School. 

The Public Health Student Senate shall act as the representative organization for the graduate and professional student body of the School of Public Health. They may appoint/nominate any School of Public Health student(s) (with that student's consent), to serve on any University or School committee or organization with full voting rights where such participation has been predetermined and agreed upon.

The Student Senate shall review and comment upon proposed revisions to the School's Constitution and Bylaws before these are submitted to the faculty for ratification. 


Each major in the School of Public Health will have one senator to represent up to 30 students. Any major exceeding 30 students will be permitted an additional senator. This number shall be determined by each major at the beginning of the academic year. Each major shall have its senator(s) elected by the end of the third week of fall semester, to serve for the academic year. The Student Senate President must be informed of the representatives' names no later than the fourth week of fall semester. The President shall be the only member of the Senate that does not represent a major. Each member of the Student Senate shall have one vote. 


The officers of the Public Health Student Senate shall include: President, Secretary, Treasurer and President-elect. The President-elect will be voted into office during spring: semester and will assume the presidential position on the first day following the last day of spring semester. The Public Health Student Senate shall elect its Secretary and annually from its membership during the first meeting of fall semester. The elected officers shall retain all the rights and privileges of members. They will remain as representatives to their majors. The duties of the officers shall be prescribed in the Student Senate Bylaws.


The Student Senate shall meet at regular intervals. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Student Senate or one-third of the membership. Any student eligible to vote for student senators may be admitted to Student Senate meetings and shall be entitled to speak at the discretion of the Student Senate. Only elected student members (or predesignated alternates) shall be entitled to vote.

Article VI. Amendments

Section 1.

Proposed amendments to the Constitution of the School of Public Health may be initiated by the Dean, the Policy Council, or by at least ten members of the voting faculty. Such proposals shall be distributed to Assembly members at least ten days in advance of the meetings at which they are to be discussed and considered. Such proposals shall be discussed at separate meetings of the Faculty, the P&A Senate, the Student Senate, the Staff Association, and the Assembly. Following the meeting of the Assembly at which the proposal is discussed, a mail ballot shall be distributed to each voting faculty member. All ballots received within ten days following distribution shall be counted. Approval by two-thirds of the voting faculty members who vote shall be required for amendment provided a simple majority of voting faculty (as defined in Article III., Section 3.) cast ballots. Such voting shall be held during fall or spring semester, excluding the first ten days following the start of each of those semester.

Section 2.

Final Approval and Adoption: Proposed amendments to the Constitution, duly approved and ratified by the voting faculty of the School of Public Health in accord with Section 1. above, shall be submitted to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences for transmission to the President of the University and Board of Regents for final approval. They shall be in effect as of the day following approval by the Board of Regents.


Original Constitution and Bylaws Approved by University of Minnesota Board of Regents, May 1980.

Revised Constitution and Bylaws Reviewed by School of Public Health Faculty, September 16, 1982.

Revised Constitution and Bylaws Approved by University of Minnesota Board of Regents, January, 1983. Revised Constitution and Bylaws Reviewed at School of Public Health Faculty meeting, May 10, 1993.

Revised Constitution and Bylaws Approved and Ratified by School of Public Health Faculty, May 26, 1993.

Revised Constitution and Bylaws, dated June 2, 1995, Approved and Ratified by School of Public Health Faculty, June 12, 1995, Revised Bylaws Reflecting APT Membership Approved and Ratified by School of Public Health Faculty, May 25, 1999.

Revised Constitution and Bylaws Updating Titles, Unit Designation and Academic Calendar References, August 20, 1999.

Adopted on
Date Revised