Table of contents
Article I. Name, General Powers, Purposes
The name of this organization shall be the University of Minnesota School of Nursing. The School of Nursing has three purposes: to provide education in the discipline and practice of nursing; to promote and conduct research in nursing; and to serve as a resource in the promotion of excellence in nursing to the community at large. All powers exercised by the faculty and dean of the School of Nursing are delegated by the Board of Regents. These authorities and responsibilities are delineated in the Constitution of the School of Nursing. These Bylaws are to be interpreted in conformity with the School of Nursing Constitution.
A. Amendments
Bylaws of the School of Nursing of the University of Minnesota shall be enacted or amended by a simple majority vote of the faculty. Proposed amendments of revisions may be introduced by any member of the faculty. Amendments shall be listed as an official agenda item and shall be distributed to all members of the Faculty Assembly at least five working days before the faculty meeting. Voting on the bylaws shall take place by mail or electronic ballot no sooner than five working days after the Faculty Assembly meeting.
The ballots shall be distributed by, returned to, and tallied by the designated staff support member of the Faculty Assembly. Results will be reported to the membership within 48 hours following the vote.
Article II. Faculty Assembly
A. Authority and Responsibility
- The Faculty Assembly shall have general legislative authority over policies related to research, curriculum and degree requirements, academic personnel allocation, and faculty welfare in the School of Nursing. The authority of the Faculty Assembly shall include, but not be limited to, primary responsibility for educational and research policies, providing advice to the dean concerning the School of Nursing’s budget, accreditation, designation and granting of honors, and policies concerning faculty appointment.
- The Faculty Assembly may delegate authority and responsibility to School of Nursing standing committees as described in the bylaws that are formed to align with the major responsibilities of faculty as described by the University of Minnesota described above.
- Only those members of the Faculty Assembly who hold probationary or tenured faculty appointments may vote on changes to the Nursing 7.12 statement.
B. Membership
The Faculty Assembly of the School of Nursing shall be composed of all voting and non-voting faculty members. There shall be Tenured/Tenure Track (T/TT) faculty and clinical track (CT) faculty subcommittees of the Faculty Assembly. Voting members shall include: (1) Tenured/Tenure track (T/TT) faculty who hold regular appointments and (2) Clinical Track (CT) faculty who have full-time appointments by contract. (3) Non-voting faculty (NVF) shall include those appointed to the clinical faculty who hold part-time appointments (<67%). NVF may attend and participate as appropriate to appointment in the CT faculty subcommittee or T/TT faculty subcommittee meetings and Faculty Assembly; including having floor privileges but may not vote. Exceptions to extend voting privileges shall be determined by a majority vote of the Faculty Assembly.
There shall be two sub-committees of the Faculty Assembly, Tenured/Tenure Track (T/TT) Faculty subcommittee and Clinical Track (CT) Faculty subcommittee.
1. Tenure Track Faculty Subcommittee
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Engage in dialogue, and discussion with the Faculty Assembly and Faculty Leadership Council regarding governance, merit review, curriculum, faculty clinical practice relative to T/TT members, professional development, faculty welfare, consultative, steering and executive issues that may arise related to the mission of the School of Nursing.
- Periodically review criteria, standards, and procedures for T/TT faculty appointments and promotions.
- Appoint special task forces within the subcommittee as determined to address concerns of the T/TT faculty.
- Tenured faculty will have additional responsibility to participate in continuation, promotion, tenure, and post-tenure reviews of T/TT faculty within the framework established by the Tenure Code, the School of Nursing 7.12 Statement and the Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure and Evaluation (FAPTEC) standing committee and make recommendations for action to the FAPTEC committee for governance action as appropriate to rank and consistent with the authority and responsibilities set forth in the University of Minnesota Tenure Code and all associated university policies.
Membership of the T/TT Faculty Subcommittee
Membership shall include T/TT faculty who hold a regular appointment as per the Regents' definition of regular faculty.
- Officers of the T/TT faculty subcommittee include:
- Chair: Tenured professor (one-year term)
- Co-Chair/Chair elect: Tenured Professor (one-year term)
- Officers of the T/TT Faculty subcommittee will be elected by T/TT constituents.
2. Clinical Track Faculty Subcommittee
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Engage in dialogue, and discussion with the Faculty Assembly and Faculty Leadership Council regarding governance, merit review, curriculum, faculty clinical practice relative to clinical track members, professional development, faculty welfare, and consultative, steering and executive issues that may arise related to the mission of the School of Nursing.
- Periodically review criteria, standards, and procedures for faculty clinical practice, appointments, merit review and Recommend actions on these issues to the Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure and Evaluation Committee, the Faculty Leadership Council and the Faculty Assembly.
- Appoint special task forces within the subcommittee as determined to address concerns of the clinical faculty (CT).
- Carry out the authority and responsibilities set forth in the School of Nursing Clinical Faculty Handbook.
Membership of the Clinical Track Faculty Subcommittee
Membership shall include Clinical faculty who hold full-time appointments for annual or multi-year contracts as defined in the Regents' policy.
- Officers of the Clinical Track faculty subcommittee include:
- Chair: Full or Associate Clinical professor (one-year term)
- Co-Chair/Chair elect: Full or Associate Clinical Professor (one-year term)
- Officers of the Clinical Faculty subcommittee will be elected by Clinical Faculty constituents. At least one of the officers must be a Clinical Professor.
C. Officers of the Faculty Assembly
- Officers of the Faculty Assembly are the members of the Faculty Leadership Council (FLC). Officers shall include the chair and chair-elect, both of whom shall be voting members of the Faculty Assembly; faculty holding a central administrative position carrying as any part of its title president, vice president, chancellor provost, executive director, dean, counsel, attorney or chief of staff shall not be eligible to serve as officers of the Faculty Assembly. The position of chair shall rotate annually between members of the CT faculty at the rank of associate professor and above and members of the T/TT faculty at the rank of associate professor or above.
- The chair of Faculty Assembly shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the Faculty Assembly and shall serve a term of one year as chair.
- The chair-elect is elected by a simple majority vote of the Faculty Assembly and shall serve one year as chair-elect. The chair-elect will assume the role of chair in the year following serving as chair-elect.
- The following faculty will comprise membership of the Faculty Leadership Council:
- The Chair and Chair-Elect of the Faculty Assembly.
- Elected chairs of the T/TT faculty committee and CT faculty subcommittee of the Faculty Assembly.
- The chairs of each of the six standing committees as defined in the bylaws:
- Faculty Appointment Promotion Tenure and Evaluation Committee (FAPTEC)
- Finance and Planning Committee
- Research Committee
- Graduate Admissions and Progressions Committee
- Education Policy and Curriculum Committee
- Undergraduate Admissions and Progressions Committee.
- One School of Nursing representative to the Faculty Advisory Committee on the Health Sciences (FACHS).
- One seat on the FLC will be for one faculty representative to the University Faculty Senate. This position can be filled by clinical, tenured or tenure track faculty and representation may be shared.
D. Operating Procedures of the Faculty Assembly
1. Meetings
- Regular meetings shall be held at least twice each semester. The final meeting in the spring semester shall be the annual meeting at which committee reports shall be submitted.
- A simple majority of the Faculty Assembly voting membership shall constitute a quorum for Faculty Assembly meetings.
- In the presence of a quorum, a simple majority of faculty present and voting shall constitute a definitive vote unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or these Bylaws.
- The Faculty Leadership Council shall prepare agendas. For regular meetings, agendas including action item materials shall be distributed one week in advance of meetings. Individual members of the Faculty Assembly as well as committees may submit agenda items to the chair of the Faculty Leadership Council or the co-chair of the Faculty Assembly.
- The agenda and minutes of the Faculty Assembly shall be recorded and distributed by the Chair-elect/Faculty Secretary who is a member of the FLC.
- T/TT and CT Subcommittees are scheduled monthly and may be canceled if there is no business to consider.
2. Special Faculty Meetings
- Special faculty meetings without administrators present can be called by a petition of any ten voting members of the Faculty Assembly or by a majority vote of the Faculty Leadership Council. Administrators are defined as anyone who is a member of the School of Nursing Executive Council, including the dean, associate and assistant deans, co-operative unit chairs and the chief administrative Such meetings shall require a two working days' notice. The chair of the Faculty Assembly will preside. Special meetings shall deal only with the specific concerns for which they are called.
- As described in the School of Nursing Constitution, a special meeting of the Faculty Assembly may be called to send forward an advisory vote of no-confidence in the dean to the Provost, following a majority vote of all faculty present at the special meeting.
- For special meetings, the announcements and the agendas shall be distributed one day in advance of the meeting.
3. Election of Officers and Representatives of the School of Nursing
At the final meeting of the Faculty Assembly in spring, a slate of candidates will be presented to fill the positions noted below under the Faculty Leadership Council Section of the Standing Committees.
Article III: Standing Committees
Standing Committees in the School of Nursing have authority delegated by the Faculty Assembly for faculty responsibilities as defined by the University of Minnesota Regents to include, but not be limited to, policy recommendations related to research, curriculum and degree requirements, academic personnel allocation, faculty welfare, and to advise the dean concerning the School of Nursing’s budget. Standing committees are accountable to the Faculty Assembly for these responsibilities and for making recommendations to the dean based on their areas of responsibility. Members of standing committees of the Faculty Assembly shall serve for terms of three years, staggered across members, unless otherwise specified in the bylaws. Faculty Leadership Council shall compile a list of all committee meetings, both frequency and duration, for the following year and communicate this to the dean’s office by May 15 each year.
A. Faculty Leadership Council
The Faculty Leadership Council (FLC) shall represent the faculty and all constituents in the School of Nursing and shall serve as the consulting body to the dean and as the executive committee of the Faculty Assembly.
1. Membership
The Faculty Assembly shall elect members of the FLC and shall serve two-year terms according to procedures outlined in the Bylaws. Members shall include:
- At least (3) three voting members of Faculty Assembly who are tenured faculty, with at least (1) one at the rank of professor and (2) two at the rank of associate professor or above. One of the tenured faculty members shall be the elected chair or vice chair of Faculty Assembly and may also serve in other roles such as the University Senate representative, chair of the T/TT faculty sub-committee or chair of a standing committee.
- At least three voting members of the Faculty Assembly who are clinical faculty, two who must be at the rank of clinical associate professor or above. One of the members at the rank of associate or full clinical professor shall be the elected chair or vice chair of Faculty Assembly, and may also serve in other roles such as a University Senate representative or chair of the clinical track faculty subcommittee or chair of a standing committee.
- The Vice Chair shall also serve as the faculty secretary who will be responsible for recording and distribution of the minutes of the Faculty Assembly and of the FLC for approval.
- At least (1) voting member of the Faculty Assembly who will serve a one-year term and represent the T/TT faculty sub-committee of the Faculty Assembly. The subcommittee elects the chair, who must be a tenured full professor and who automatically serves on the FLC for a one-year term.
- At least (1) voting member of the Faculty Assembly who will serve a one-year term and represent the CT faculty sub-committee of the Faculty Assembly. The subcommittee elects the chair who may be a clinical professor or associate professor and who automatically serves on the FLC to serve a one-year term.
- The past chair of the FLC shall serve for one year after completing their term.
- The chairs of each of the standing committees as defined in the
- Faculty Appointment Promotion and Tenure and Evaluation Committee (FAPTEC)
- Finance and Planning
- Research
- Graduate Admissions and Progression
- Education Policy and Curriculum Committee
- Undergraduate Admissions and Progression Committee
- At least one (1) voting member of the Faculty Assembly, who is an elected Senator to the University of Minnesota Faculty Senate shall serve a two-year term on the FLC. This position may be rotated among senators.
- The School of Nursing representative to the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Health Sciences (FACHS) who is elected for a three-year term by the Faculty Assembly.
2. Officers
There shall be a new chair and vice-chair of the FLC each year. The elected Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall serve as the Chair of FLC. The Chair-elect/Vice Chair of Faculty Assembly shall serve as Vice-Chair of FLC. Faculty holding a central administrative position carrying as any part of its title president, vice president, chancellor provost, executive director, dean, counsel, attorney or chief of staff shall not be eligible to serve as officers of the FLC.
3. Duties and Responsibilities
- Consultative
- To discuss with the dean issues or policies of the school of concern to the faculty and, as appropriate, to make recommendations concerning such matters to the Faculty Assembly.
- To request studies from the dean or from committees of the Faculty Assembly.
- To consult with the dean on planning, and on the annual budget and the biennial request.
- To advise the dean on procedures for making major administrative appointments.
- To engage with the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs on issues of mutual concern.
- To receive from any faculty member notification of concerns which may require consultation with the dean.
- To consult with the dean as requested by the chair of the FLC or at the request of the dean who shall ask to be placed on the agenda for that meeting.
- Steering
- To establish, appoint members and direct all standing committees of the Faculty Assembly, which includes the authority to require that any committee of the Faculty Assembly report on any matter within its jurisdiction within 30 days.
- To receive recommendations of any faculty member who wishes to present a proposal to the Faculty Assembly and to refer or act upon such recommendations as it deems appropriate.
- To route to the appropriate body all documents, proposals, and policies, on any matter pertaining to the responsibilities of the FLC and Faculty Assembly.
- To serve as a coordinating body between the dean and the Faculty Assembly or a committee of the Faculty Assembly.
- To be responsible for the review, approval, and distribution of the agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Assembly.
- To recommend, with the approval of the Faculty Assembly, such rules or procedures not provided in the Constitution or Bylaws.
- To evaluate the published Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules of the Assembly at least every five years.
- Executive
- To serve as a deliberative body of the Faculty Assembly on all major items it deems necessary and appropriate.
- To act on behalf of the Faculty Assembly when a decision is required prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Faculty Assembly and when a decision is required when it would not be possible to convene a special meeting of the Faculty Assembly in a timely fashion; such actions will be reported to the Faculty Assembly at its next meeting. The Faculty Assembly may then overrule the Faculty Leadership Committee. To report regularly on any matters which, in its judgment, should be brought to the attention of the Faculty Assembly.
- To approve editorial changes in existing administrative policies previously approved by the Faculty Assembly and in the constitution and To correct grammatical and punctuation errors and to approve other non-substantive technical amendments in existing administrative policies previously approved by the Faculty Assembly, including the constitution, bylaws, and rules; such actions will be reported to the Faculty Assembly at its next meeting. The Faculty Assembly may then overrule the Faculty Leadership Council.
B. Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee (EPCC)
The EPCC shall serve as a body concerned with all matters that influence the quality and integrity of academic programs offered within the School of Nursing. To include program and course development, implementation and evaluation and to advance recommendations to the Faculty Assembly for adoption of any policy related to the development and evaluation of programs as well as to populations to be served by those programs in the School of Nursing. Members represent cross-sectional knowledge and experience across all academic programs.
1. Membership
Membership will specifically include faculty from each of the academic programs in the school (the BSN, MN, DNP and PhD)
Voting Members:
- one (1) faculty member at the rank of professor
- two (2) faculty members who are tenured or tenure-track
- three (3) clinical faculty, two at the rank of associate professor or higher, who are voting members of the Faculty Assembly.
At least one of the above faculty members must be a certified nurse practitioner who teaches in the DNP program.
- Ex-officio/non-voting members to include:
- The Associate Dean for academic programs
- The Assistant Dean for the Doctor of Philosophy program and director of graduate studies
- The Assistant Dean of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program
- The Assistant Dean of the pre-licensure programs
- The Co-Director of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
- Terms of Service
- Members shall be appointed to 3-year terms with staggered start and end dates.
- Officers
- The chair shall be elected annually by the voting members of the committee and shall hold a tenured or Clinical faculty appointment at the rank of associate professor or higher.
2. Authority and Responsibility
- Serve as a deliberative and coordinating body in matters pertaining to curricular development and future planning related to all academic programs within the School of Nursing.
- Serve as liaisons to the BSN, MN, DNP, and PhD Council for the development of educational policies and procedures.
- Formulate and submit recommendations to the Faculty Assembly regarding approval or modification of academic program objectives, based on the school’s philosophy, missions and future directions.
- Receive recommendation for course approval from the PhD, DNP, BSN and MN Councils, and coordinate curriculum development activities to accomplish the teaching mission of the school in a manner that promotes creativity in guiding the present functions and future direction of the curricula of the School of Nursing.
- Establish curricular subcommittees, as appropriate, from the committee’s membership and beyond, and assess progress and products of such subcommittees for consistency and continuity with an overall curricular plan. At least one member of a subcommittee must be a member of the Curriculum Committee.
- Recommend to Faculty Assembly position and policy statements regarding initiation and/or discontinuance of programs, criteria and mechanisms for articulation of academic programs, changes in general direction, areas of emphasis and/or philosophical base of academic programs.
- Develop and recommend criteria, scope and procedures for evaluation of the school’s academic programs based on aggregate data related to program outcomes and communicate these to PhD, DNP, MN and BSN Councils.
- Make policy recommendations to the Faculty Assembly, based on results of evaluative activities.
- Make recommendations to the administration regarding resources needed to carry out current and projected academic programs.
The FAPTEC carries out the authorities and responsibilities set forth in the Tenure Code of the University and all associated university policies related to T/TT faculty appointment, promotion, tenure and evaluation. The FAPTEC implements continuation, promotion, tenure, and post-tenure reviews of T/TT faculty within the framework established by the Tenure Code, University Tenure and Promotion Procedures and the School of Nursing 7.12 Statement and the policies and procedures established by the School of Nursing for clinical faculty appointment, promotion and evaluation. The Merit Review subcommittee conducts annual performance reviews of all faculty through established merit review processes and procedures.
1. Membership
Voting members will include:
- Five (5) tenured faculty with at least two (2) at the rank of professor.
- Four (4) clinical faculty who are voting members of Faculty Assembly with
- Three (3) at the rank of associate professor or higher and
- One (1) at professor rank.
Clinical faculty are not eligible to participate in discussions or vote on tenure- track promotion or tenure decisions.
- Committee membership shall be augmented annually to include all tenured faculty eligible for actions related to discussions and votes for promotion and tenure as set forth in the Tenure Code of the University.
- Committee membership shall be augmented annually to include all clinical faculty eligible for discussion and voting for clinical faculty promotions as described in the Clinical Faculty Promotion Handbook.
- Faculty appointed as associate and assistant deans and cooperative unit chairs are not eligible for committee membership.
2. Terms of Service
- T/TT faculty members of Faculty Assembly with voting privileges shall elect tenured and tenure-track faculty members of FAPTEC for staggered three-year terms. Voting will occur at the annual meeting of the faculty assembly.
- CT faculty members of Faculty Assembly with voting privileges shall elect clinical faculty members of FAPTEC for staggered three-year terms. Voting will occur at the annual meeting of the faculty assembly.
3. Officers
The chair shall be a tenured professor and shall be elected annually from the committee membership.
4. Authority and Responsibility
- FAPTEC Committee of the Whole
- Consult with the dean and administrators on matters related to implementation of procedures for probationary continuation, tenure, promotion, post-tenure, and clinical faculty evaluation procedures.
- Receive recommendations from the T/TT Faculty Subcommittee of the Faculty Assembly, review criteria, standards, and procedures related to T/TT faculty appointments, and make recommendations for changes to the Faculty Leadership Council.
- Receive recommendations from the CT Faculty Subcommittee of the Faculty Assembly and periodically review criteria, standards, and procedures related to adjunct, affiliate and clinical track faculty appointments and make recommendations to the Faculty Leadership Council.
- Implement the promotion review procedure for T/TT and CT faculty and make recommendations for promotion to the dean.
- Receive recommendations from the Merit Review subcommittee for changes in criteria, standards, and procedures for faculty merit review and forward such recommendations to the FLC for consideration at the Faculty Assembly.
- Merit Review Subcommittee
- Authority and Responsibility
- Conduct annual faculty merit peer reviews, following School of Nursing criteria, policy, and procedures and in accord with university procedures
- Submit summary of recommendations for faculty merit to FAPTEC
- FAPTEC will submit recommendations for faculty merit determinations to the dean
- Review and submit recommendations for revising the merit criteria and review process to FAPTEC.
- Membership (to be appointed by FAPTEC) to include:
- The Merit review sub-committee chair is to be a full professor on FAPTEC and appointed annually by FAPTEC
- One T/TT faculty from FAPTEC
- One clinical faculty from FAPTEC
- Augment members to represent all ranks of T/TT and CT faculty as needed.
- Meetings
- The Merit Subcommittee meeting frequency and duration shall be determined annually.
- Authority and Responsibility
The Graduate Admissions and Progressions Committee is responsible for formulating and implementing the use of criteria and standards for graduate student admission and progression in accordance with School of Nursing and University of Minnesota policies and regulations, and for making related policy recommendations to FLC for consideration at Faculty Assembly.
1. Membership
Voting members will include:
At least six (6) voting members of the Faculty Assembly who have responsibilities for teaching in the graduate programs of the School of Nursing, including three (3) T/TT faculty, two of whom must be tenured, and three (3) CT faculty, one of whom must be a nurse practitioner and one of whom must be at the rank of associate professor or above.
- Ex-officio/non-voting members to include:
- The Assistant Dean for the PhD program and director of graduate studies (DGS)
- The Assistant Dean for Pre-licensure programs
- The Assistant Dean of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program
- The Associate Dean for Academic Programs
- The Director of OSCAS.
Terms of Service
Members shall be appointed to 3-year terms with staggered start and end dates.
The chair shall be elected annually by the voting members of the committee and shall hold a tenured faculty appointment or clinical track appointment at the rank of associate or above.
2. Authority and Responsibilities
- Review, formulate, and implement policies that specify criteria and standards for student admission and progression in graduate programs in the School of Nursing.
- Review of applications to the MN, DNP, PhD programs, and post-graduate certificate
- Make final admissions decisions for applicants to the MN, DNP, PhD and post-graduate certificate programs.
- Periodically review and update policies for graduate student admission and progression.
- Develop and implement procedures for graduate admissions and progression, based on review of historical data and trends.
- Recommend policies related to graduate admission and progression to FLC for consideration at the Faculty Assembly.
E. Research Committee
The Research Committee is responsible for recommending Faculty Assembly policies, as it deems necessary and appropriate with respect to research activities at the School of Nursing. All members shall have experience participating in funded research.
1. Membership
- Voting members will include
- Four (4) T/TT faculty members, at least two (2) of whom shall be currently funded or have a recent history of research funding from the National Institutes of Health or other comparable entities
- One (1) CT faculty (doctorally prepared) with research
- One (1) PhD graduate student or post-doctoral fellow in a research
- One (1) representative from M Health Fairview.
Non-voting members to include:
The Associate Dean for Research.
Terms of service
Members shall be appointed to 3-year terms with staggered start and stop dates.
The chair shall be elected annually, by the voting members and shall hold a tenured faculty appointment.
2. Authority and Responsibility
- Recommend to the Faculty Assembly and School of Nursing administration such policy as it deems necessary and appropriate with respect to research activities of faculty and students.
- Recommend and participate in nursing research initiatives for the school that are responsive to societal needs and reflective of professional and scientific priorities from local to global.
- Recommend resources needed to nurture and facilitate faculty and student research throughout the research process (including human resources, time, space, and support for fiscal management from project inception to dissemination and utilization of findings).
- Review and advise Strategic Communications on ways to promote visibility of research conducted at the school.
- Participate in the development of and advise the school’s administration on research goals, policies, and funding including the compact process, strategic planning and internal grant funding.
- Participate in ongoing evaluation of the school’s progress toward achieving research goals and priorities.
- Facilitate research collaboration within the school, university, clinical institutions, and the community from local to global.
- Recommend, review and support the development of programs and activities (e.g., Research Day, seminars, workshops, T32 proposals and grant proposals) whose submissions may be limited to a department, school, university, etc. These activities are aimed to facilitate the strategic use or development of research expertise as well as the dissemination of research findings in collaboration with the associate dean for research.
F. Undergraduate Admissions and Progressions
The Undergraduate Admissions and Progressions Committee is responsible for formulating and implementing the use of criteria and standards for undergraduate student admission and progression in accordance with School of Nursing and University of Minnesota policies and regulations, and for making related policy recommendations to FLC for consideration at Faculty Assembly.
1. Membership
- Voting members will include:
- At least five (5) voting members of the Faculty Assembly, including two (2) T/TT faculty and three (3) CT faculty.
- Most of the members shall have at least three years of teaching experience in a baccalaureate-nursing program.
- Ex-officio/non-voting members to include:
- The Assistant Dean of the pre-licensure programs.
- Minimum of two (2) representatives from OSCAS, including an academic advisor of the BSN program.
Terms of service
Members shall be appointed to 3-year terms with staggered start and stop dates.
The chair is elected annually by the voting members of the committee and shall hold a tenured or clinical faculty appointment at the rank of associate professor or above.
2. Authority and Responsibility
- In accordance with School of Nursing and University policies and regulations, review, propose, implement and evaluate policies and procedures for admission to the School of Nursing baccalaureate program.
- In accordance with School of Nursing and University policies and regulations review, propose, implement and evaluate policies and procedures regarding progression of School of Nursing baccalaureate students.
- Review, formulate, and implement policies that specify criteria and standards for student admission and progression in baccalaureate programs in the School of Nursing.
- Review of applications to BSN programs.
- Make final admissions decisions for applicants to the baccalaureate programs.
- Periodically review and update policies for baccalaureate student admission and progression.
- Develop and implement procedures for undergraduate admissions and progression, based on review of historical data and trends.
- Recommend policies related to undergraduate admission and progression to FLC for consideration at the Faculty Assembly.
The Finance and Planning Committee serves as a resource to the Faculty Assembly and advises the dean on major issues of planning, budget, resource allocation policy, faculty salary compensation, and School of Nursing operations.
1. Membership
The four (4) faculty members of the Finance and Planning Committee are appointed by the Faculty Leadership Council and hold staggered three-year terms. The following faculty will comprise membership.
- Voting members will include:
- Two (2) T/TT faculty at the rank of associate professor or higher
- Two (2) CT faculty at the rank of associate professor or higher.
- Ex-officio/non-voting members will include:
- The School of Nursing chief administrative officer (CAO).
Terms of service
Members shall be appointed to 3-year terms with staggered start and stop dates.
- Officers
- The Chair shall hold a tenured or clinical faculty at rank of associate professor or higher appointment and will serve on the Faculty Leadership Council.
2. Authority and Responsibility
- To consult with and advise the Dean or designee on planning, and on financial and operational planning.
- To consult with and advise the Dean or designee on the development of the annual compact, annual compensation plan, supplemental budget requests, and the annual budget.
- To receive a written budget report annually from the dean or designee.
- To periodically review and consult with the Dean or designee on physical facility allocation principles and planning.
- To consult with the dean or designee on the financial and operational aspects of all major proposals and policy initiatives.
- To consult with the dean or designee on the periodic review of School operations.
- To recommend to the Faculty Assembly such actions or policies related to finance and planning as it deems appropriate.
- To take up other matters related to finance and planning as shall be referred by an individual faculty member and/or other School of Nursing committee.
- To appoint subcommittees to deal with issues related to financial and operational planning.
- To report regularly (once per semester or as requested or deemed necessary) to the Faculty Assembly regarding the committee’s role in financial and operational planning and related policies.
Article IV: Structural Committees
There may exist committees comprising faculty, students, civil service, bargaining unit, and professional and administrative staff, to advise and make recommendations to the School of Nursing administration on matters of interest to their constituencies.
- These committees shall be governed by their own rules and procedures.
- These committees shall have the option to formulate and propose changes to the School of Nursing Bylaws for areas germane to their activities. These proposals must follow the process defined in the School of Nursing Constitution: Article I, section A.