University of Minnesota  College Bylaws

University Libraries Bylaws


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Section 1. Appointment of the University Librarian

The Executive Vice President and Provost is responsible for the appointment of the University Librarian as specified in the Constitution, Article II, Section 1.

Section 2. Library Assembly

  1. Definition and Function

    The official convening and reporting body of the Libraries shall be the Library Assembly, as specified in the Constitution, Article V.

  2. Membership

    It shall include all staff in the University Libraries or hired through the University personnel department and affiliated with the University Libraries.

  3. Officers

    The University Librarian shall preside at Library Assembly meetings. The Acting University Librarian shall preside at Assembly meetings in the University Librarian's absence.

    The constitutionally-defined governance groups shall elect a secretary for a one-year term.

  4. Meetings

    Library Assembly meetings shall be scheduled quarterly on dates set by the University Librarian. The University Librarian's office shall make all necessary arrangements for the meeting, and shall send notices of each meeting to all University Libraries staff and to other governance groups specified in Article IV of the Constitution. Special meetings of the Assembly may be called by the University Librarian or requested by the Executive Committee. Notice of such meetings shall be sent to all members of the Assembly as soon as possible. The most recent Robert's Rules of Order shall prevail in instances not covered in the Constitution and Bylaws.

  5. Agenda and Minutes

    The University Librarian shall prepare the agenda for Library Assembly meetings in consultation as appropriate with the governance groups by means of the Executive Committee of the University Libraries. The Assembly Secretary shall be responsible for keeping minutes of Library Assembly meetings. Both agenda and minutes shall be made available to all staff by the University Librarian's office.

  6. Reporting

    Each of the personnel committees, standing committees, and the Libraries' senior senator shall prepare a quarterly report for the Library Assembly.

Section 3. Executive Committee

  1. Definition and Function

    The Executive Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the University Librarian and as the collective representative of the library personnel groups to which it is responsible. It shall make recommendations to the University Librarian upon matters of Libraries policy.

  2. Membership

    The Executive Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the University Libraries' personnel committees; three members elected at-large to one-year terms by the voting members of the Assembly; and the University Librarian. At-large Executive Committee members shall serve for no more than three consecutive one-year terms.

  3. Officers

    The University Librarian shall serve as chair of the Executive Committee. In the University Librarian's absence, the Acting University Librarian shall serve as Executive Committee chair. The Executive Committee may select other officers as needed to facilitate its operation.

  4. Regular Meetings

    The Executive Committee shall be scheduled to meet no less than once a month. Special meetings may be called by the University Librarian or by the representatives of the personnel committees. A minimum of four Executive Committee members must be present to conduct business.

  5. Agenda and Minutes

    The University Librarian shall prepare an agenda for each meeting in consultation with the Executive Committee as appropriate. The University Librarian provides the agenda in advance and the minutes will be made available to all Libraries staff.

Section 5. Standing Committees

Standing committees of the University Libraries shall consist of the following:

  • Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments, responsible for conducting elections of Library Assembly secretary, Executive Committee at-large members, University Senate representatives, and members of the personnel committees. The Committee shall consist of four representatives from the governance groups specified in Article IV of the Constitution, two elected each year to staggered two-year terms.
  • Committee on Research and Publications is responsible for encouraging research and publication activities by library staff. The Committee shall consist of five representatives from governance groups specified in Article IV of the Constitution, two elected each even- numbered year and three each odd-numbered year. Committee members shall serve for two years.

Any Libraries staff member within governance groups defined in the constitution can propose a new standing committee through their representative on the Executive Committee to be approved by both the University Librarian and the Executive Committee. Sunsetting a standing committee would require the chair of the standing committee to submit a request to the University Librarian for final approval by the Executive Committee.

Section 6. Ad Hoc Committees

The University Librarian shall appoint ad hoc committees as the need arises to address specific, short-term issues pertaining to Libraries policy.

Section 7. University Senators

University senators shall be elected by eligible academic staff in the Libraries according to the Senate rules and formula for representation.  A number of alternates equal to the number of senators shall be elected. Elections in which the nominee's expressed preferences for Senator or Alternate positions equate to the number of vacancies in each category shall be considered uncontested.  The senior senator shall submit a quarterly report to the Library Assembly. Other senatorial duties shall be in accordance with Senate rules.

Section 8. Elections and Appointments

  1. Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments

    The Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments shall be responsible for gathering nominations, conducting elections, and recommending appointees.

  2. Nominations

    The Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for each open position as defined in the constitution and bylaws.

  3. Elections

    The Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments shall conduct elections using current voting tools. Newly elected officers and committee members shall take office July 1 of that calendar year.

  4. Vacancies

    The Committee on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments shall keep a record of the ballots cast for each office for the length of term of that office. When a vacancy occurs, the Committee shall recommend a replacement to the University Librarian. Consideration of balloting records shall be given. The University Librarian shall make the appointment in consultation with the Executive Committee.

  5. First Election

    The first election after the adoption of these bylaws shall be held as soon as possible and the persons elected shall take office immediately. If the election occurs before July 1, the persons elected shall serve until July 1 of the following year.

Section 9. Records

All official records of the Library Assembly, the Executive Committee, and its committees shall be entrusted to the care of the University Archives.

Section 10. Constitution and Bylaws Review

The Constitution and Bylaws shall be reviewed periodically, but no less than every five years, by the Executive Committee and University Librarian.

Adopted on
Date Revised