Table of contents
The Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs (“School”) inspires, educates, and supports innovative leaders to advance the common good in a diverse world.
The School pursues its mission by using its resources and those of the University to integrate:
- Preparation of students for leadership in public affairs
- The bridging of disciplines across the University and larger community to advance public affairs scholarship; and
- Public engagement and scholarship to address important issues and to solve problems facing Minnesota, the nation, and the world in a non-partisan setting.
This Constitution is established to provide for a system of governance to facilitate this mission. This Constitution is not part of the employment contract between the University and its employees. It does not establish terms and conditions of employment.
Article I: General Powers
1.1 General Powers
The powers exercised by the School under this Constitution are delegated by the Board of Regents in accordance with their authority under Minnesota law. These powers may be modified at any time by action of the Board of Regents.
Article II: The Dean
2.1 The Dean
The Dean is the chief executive and academic officer of the School. Consistent with the scope of the general educational policies adopted by the Faculty and Graduate Faculty and the regulations and policies of the University of Minnesota, the Dean has general executive authority over the affairs of the School. The Dean provides leadership for formulating policies, recommends educational developments to the Faculty and Graduate Faculty and stimulates discussion leading to improvements in the educational and non-teaching programs of the School. The Dean also provides leadership in the development of the research, services and outreach of the School, and in the maintenance of academic and professional standards for the activities of the School. The Dean represents the School in matters involving other units of the University, the Advisory Council, and non-university institutions. The Dean is responsible for involving the School in significant matters and processes of community, state, national, and international affairs. Where action of the Board of Regents is requested or required, the Dean shall make such recommendations, including but not limited to appointment, promotion, tenure, salary increases, and the preparation of the annual budget of the School.
2.2 Powers
After consultation with the Faculty or other appropriate consultative bodies established by this Constitution, Bylaws, or University regulations, the Dean shall have power to:
- Prepare the budget of the School, make recommendations on budget matters to the Provost, and administer the School budget;
- Appoint School standing and ad hoc committees and the conveners thereof;
- Make recommendations to the Provost on appointment, promotion, termination, tenure, and salary adjustments of faculty;
- Appoint the Director of Graduate Studies in each degree program;
- Appoint principal administrators of the School. If such appointees are faculty members of the School at the time of their appointment, they retain their academic status while serving in administrative positions. If such appointees are senior fellows or fellows of the School at the time of their appointment, they retain their academic professional status while serving in administrative positions. If such appointees are not professors, senior fellows, or fellows of the School, they do not gain such status solely by appointment to administrative positions.
Article III: The Faculty
3.1 Definition
The Faculty of the School shall be all persons holding tenured or tenure-track appointments as regents’ professor, professor, associate professor or assistant professor in the Humphrey School. The Faculty are invested with academic freedom and are charged with responsibility in all aspects of the University’s tripartite mission of teaching, research, and service.
3.2 Voting Members
All Faculty members meeting the definition in section 3.1 may vote on all issues brought to the Faculty except on the conferral of a rank higher than their own and on tenure if they do not have it. The voting privileges of other persons permitted to attend faculty meetings will be decided based on academic appointment categories, as stipulated in the Faculty Bylaws.
3.3 Non-Members
Non-members who are expected to attend Faculty meetings in performance of their duties may be approved at the beginning of the academic year for an entire academic year. Other non-members may attend a faculty meeting following an affirmative vote of a majority of the regular Faculty attending or as otherwise specified in the Bylaws. Non-members who receive approval to attend faculty meetings do not have voting privileges, unless granted as stipulated in the Faculty Bylaws.
3.4 Meetings and voting
The Dean shall set the schedule of Faculty meetings by resolution or bylaw; provided, however, that the Faculty shall meet at least once during each academic semester (excluding Summer).
The Dean may call a special meeting of the Faculty upon notice at least three days in advance of the date of the meeting. The Dean may also call a special meeting of the Faculty upon petition by an absolute majority of the Faculty. An emergency meeting of the Faculty may be called by the Dean on 24 hours notice.
A quorum of the Faculty shall consist of a majority of the voting members, not counting those on leave or sabbatical. No business may be transacted until a quorum is present, and the Faculty meeting may be recessed until a quorum can be present. A motion is considered passed if a majority of faculty present and voting votes in the affirmative. Votes relating to appointment, tenure and promotion will be by secret and electronic ballot that will be executed following the faculty meeting. In cases of electronic ballots executed after faculty meetings, the vote is not valid unless a majority of voting members of the faculty, not counting those on leave or sabbatical, submits a ballot. A motion shall be considered passed if a majority of those submitting ballots, excluding abstentions, votes in the affirmative.
The Dean, in consultation with principal administrators, shall prepare an agenda for Faculty meetings and distribute the proposed agenda at least two working days prior to any regularly scheduled meeting. Any member of the Faculty may submit a written request to the Dean regarding the agenda. Complete minutes of all Faculty meetings shall be kept and shall be available for inspection on request by any member of the Faculty. An account of action items approved at each Faculty meeting shall be presented for approval at the next subsequent Faculty meeting.
3.5 Powers
The Faculty may, by a majority vote of voting members:
- Propose new or amend existing Bylaws to govern its procedures, and the implementation provisions of this Constitution;
- Adopt guidelines regarding faculty searches and recommend specific faculty appointments to the Dean;
- Adopt policies regarding the promotion, tenure, and review of Faculty, consistent with University policies.
3.6 Appointments & Tenure
The appointment of Faculty members, tenure, termination of appointment, and removal for cause are as described in Board of Regents Policy: Faculty Tenure, which are incorporated by reference in this Constitution.
Consistent with Board of Regents Policy: Faculty Tenure, the tenured Faculty shall develop guidelines for its decisions on tenure and promotion issues.
3.7 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
The School Faculty shall be governed by the policies of the Board of Regents and the University’s central administration, the, University legislative bodies, and by the University’s Regulations on Faculty Tenure, in all matters addressed by these documents or policies including, but not limited to academic freedom and responsibility, and promotion and tenure.
3.8 Grievances
The School will resolve grievances brought by faculty, staff or students in accordance with the University-wide Grievance rules or, consistent with those rules, other procedures established by the School administration, the Graduate Faculty, the Executive Council or other School bodies.
Article IV: Humphrey School Graduate Faculty
4.1 Definition – Humphrey School Graduate Faculty
The Humphrey School Graduate Faculty shall consist of all individuals who are members of the Humphrey School faculty as well as all those who are elected to the Graduate Faculty by a majority vote of the Graduate Faculty present and voting.
The voting members of the Humphrey Graduate Faculty are responsible for governance and delivery of the graduate degree programs of the Humphrey School.
4.2 Voting and Non-Voting (Affiliate) Members of the Graduate Faculty
A nominee will be considered for membership with voting rights if the nominee is substantially engaged in the day-to-day teaching, service or research at the Humphrey School; in other cases, a nominee may be considered for non-voting, affiliate membership.
4.3 Non-Members
Non-members who are expected to attend Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meetings in performance of their duties may be approved at the beginning of the academic year for an entire academic year. Other non-members may attend a Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meeting following an affirmative vote of a majority of the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty attending or as otherwise specified in the Bylaws. Non-members who receive approval to attend Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meetings do not have voting privileges, unless granted as stipulated in the Bylaws. Affiliate Graduate Faculty may attend Graduate Faculty meetings, but do not have voting rights, unless granted as stipulated in the Bylaws.
4.4 Meetings
The dean shall set the schedule meetings of the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty by resolution or bylaw; provided, however, that the Graduate Faculty shall meet at least once during each academic semester (excluding Summer).
A quorum of the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty shall consist of a majority of the voting members, not counting those on leave or sabbatical. No business may be transacted until a quorum is present, and a Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meeting may be recessed until a quorum can be present. A motion is considered passed if a majority of Humphrey School Graduate Faculty present and voting votes in the affirmative. In cases of a confidential ballot, the vote is not valid unless a majority of voting members, not counting those on leave or sabbatical, submits a ballot. In the case of an electronic ballot executed after a Graduate Faculty meeting, the vote is not valid unless a majority of voting members of the Graduate Faculty, not counting those on leave or sabbatical, casts a vote. A motion shall be considered passed if a majority of those submitting ballots, excluding abstentions, votes in the affirmative.
The Dean, in consultation with principal administrators, shall prepare an agenda for Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meetings and distribute the proposed agenda at least two working days prior to any regularly scheduled meeting. Any member of the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty may submit a written request to the Dean regarding the agenda. Complete minutes of all Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meetings shall be kept and shall be available for inspection on request by any member of the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty. An account of action items approved at each Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meeting shall be presented for approval at the next subsequent Humphrey School Graduate Faculty meeting. The dean may schedule an emergency meeting of the Graduate Faculty upon 24 hour notice.
4.5 Powers
The Humphrey School Graduate Faculty has responsibilities relating to the graduate degree programs of the School and may, by a majority vote of voting members:
- Adopt policies concerning the employment and review of academic personnel, excluding policies pertaining to tenured, tenure-track or contract faculty, which remain under the sole authority of the Faculty of the School as defined in Article 3.1.;
- Recommend specific senior fellow and special appointments to the Dean; and
- Adopt policies governing the admission to and functioning of teaching programs offered by the School, provided, however that any policies concerning the content or structure of curriculum, or the granting or withholding of degrees offered by the School shall be approved only when a majority of tenured, tenure- track, and contract faculty are present and vote in the affirmative.
Article V: Other Constituencies
5.1 Definition – Academic Professional and Administrative (P&A) Staff
Academic professional and administrative staff shall consist of professional personnel who hold applicable University job classifications and who perform duties enhancing the research, teaching, and service functions of the School; and administrative personnel who are involved in policy development or execution, or in directing, coordinating, or supervising activities in the School.
5.2 Definition – Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Staff
Civil service/bargaining unit employees are support staff and technical staff hired through the University’s Office of Human Resources and the Dean, and affiliated with units administratively within the School.
5.3 Definition – Students
Students are those who have been admitted to and who are currently enrolled in the Humphrey School of Public Affairs or in appropriate graduate degree programs and who are in good standing.
5.4 Rights and Privileges
Academic professional and administrative staff, civil service/bargaining unit staff, and students are expected to participate in the affairs of the School, as provided by in other sections of the Constitution and the Bylaws. Representation on committees shall be according to procedures specified in the Bylaws of the Constitution.
Article VI: Governance and Administrative Structure
6.1 The Dean
The executive functions of the School are vested in the Dean.
6.2 Principal Administrators
The Dean may assign specific administrative duties to principal administrators and may delegate executive authority to them. The Dean shall make known to the School community the principal areas of responsibility delegated to principal administrators. Executive, associate and assistant deans may be appointed for a term of up to three years, and reappointed, if recommended, for similar term. Annual reappointment is based on a performance evaluation carried out in accordance with University policy and subject to any University review procedures.
6.3 The Faculty
The Faculty is the governing body of the School for all matters relating to the promotion, tenure, hiring and review of faculty. Pursuant to University policy, the Faculty makes recommendations on promotion and tenure, which are then presented to the Dean and transmitted to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs with the Dean’s recommendation. Pursuant to University policy, the Faculty makes recommendations on hiring to the Dean, in the Dean’s capacity as the hiring authority. The Dean is the presiding officer of the Faculty and may designate the associate dean, another senior academic administrator, or a voting member of the Faculty to preside in the Dean’s absence.
6.4 The Humphrey School Graduate Faculty
The Humphrey School Graduate Faculty is the governing body on matters relating to School degree programs, excluding all matters relating to the promotion, tenure, hiring and review of faculty. The Dean is the presiding officer of the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty and may designate the associate dean, another senior academic administrator, or a voting member of the Graduate Faculty to preside in the Dean’s absence.
6.5 Executive Council
The Executive Council shall be a representative body of the constituencies of the Humphrey School. The Executive Council is the governing and advisory body for all matters not otherwise under the authority of the Dean, the Faculty or the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty, including but not limited to policies relating to administration, non-degree programs and centers, non-Faculty and non-Graduate Faculty personnel, human resources, and finance. The membership and operating mechanisms for the Executive Council shall be specified in the Bylaws.
6.6 Committees
Standing and ad hoc committees shall be established as defined in the Bylaws. Membership, responsibilities, and procedures for each committee shall be specified in the Bylaws. Committee members need not be voting members of the Faculty or the Graduate Faculty to have the right to full participation on a School Committee, including voting in the committee, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.
All committees are advisory to the Faculty, Graduate Faculty, Executive Council and/or Dean, as specified in the Bylaws. Committees shall prepare recommendations and present reports to the appropriate body, as specified in the Bylaws.
Recommendations of a committee reporting to a body must be approved by majority vote of the voting members of said body before any actions may be taken to implement the committee’s recommendations and/or before such recommendations become official policy of the School. Recommendations of a committee reporting to the Dean must be accepted and approved by the Dean (or principal administrator, if such responsibility has been delegated) before any actions may be taken to implement the committee’s recommendations and/or before such recommendations become official policy of the School.
6.7 School Assembly
The School Assembly shall consist of all members of the Humphrey community including, but not limited to the Faculty, the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty, all academic professional staff, all academic administrative staff, civil service/bargaining unit staff, and students. The School Assembly shall be advisory to the Dean, Faculty, Graduate Faculty, and Executive Council, as appropriate, and shall function as a forum for discussion of any matters concerning the School. The Dean shall preside over the Assembly.
The Dean shall make a State of the School report annually to a meeting of the School Assembly. The Assembly may meet on other occasions during the academic year.
6.8 Public Affairs Student Association
The Public Affairs Student Association (PASA) is the elected board that represents the Humphrey School's student body. PASA is governed by its own Constitution and Bylaws.
6.9 Advisory Council
An Advisory Council of distinguished citizens to advise the Dean of the School on matters of public interest involving the School. The Advisory Council Charter and By-laws shall govern the Advisory Council.
6.10 Alumni Association
The Humphrey School Alumni Association serves as a resource for students of the School and as the collegiate alumni association of the University of Minnesota Alumni Association. The Humphrey School Alumni Association Constitution and Bylaws shall govern the Alumni Association and its Board of Directors
Article VII: Amendments, Interpretation & Ratification
7.1 Amendments
The Dean or any voting member of the Faculty, Graduate Faculty, or Executive Council may propose an amendment to this Constitution. A proposed amendment shall be presented in writing at least 21 days in advance of the meeting of the Faculty at which the first action on it will be taken. If a proposed amendment is amended during its consideration, a final vote on the amendment as amended shall not occur at the same meeting at which the amendment was attached, but shall be laid over until the next meeting of the Faculty for final action; provided, however, that this requirement may be waived by unanimous consent. Any amendment to this Constitution shall be adopted by an absolute majority vote of the voting members of the Faculty, including those on leave or sabbatical. Reasonable attempts shall be made to provide all necessary information to Faculty members on leave or sabbatical and to obtain a vote on proposed amendments. If approved by the Faculty, an amendment must also be ratified by an absolute majority of the Executive Council. Pursuant to University policy, amendments shall also be approved by the Dean of the School. An amendment so adopted shall take effect on the date it is approved by the Executive Vice President and Provost.
7.2 Interpretation
Final authority to interpret this Constitution shall reside with the Executive Council.
Approval This Constitution was approved and came into effect in 2007, subject to the University procedures then in effect for approval of college constitutions.
Article VIII: Bylaws
8.1 Bylaws
Procedures for operating under this Constitution shall be specified in the Bylaws. Any proposed amendment, addition, or deletion of the Bylaws must be submitted to a regular or special meeting of the Faculty at least two calendar weeks prior to its presentation for vote (excluding Summer). Bylaws shall be adopted, amended, or deleted by majority vote of the Faculty including those on leave or sabbatical leave. If approved by the Faculty, a bylaw or change in bylaw must also be ratified by an absolute majority of the Executive Council. Pursuant to University policy, changes to Bylaws shall also be approved by the Dean of the School before taking effect. Reasonable attempts shall be made to provide all necessary information to faculty members on leave or sabbatical leave and to obtain a vote on proposed Bylaws or change in Bylaws. No items for action shall be presented during the Summer. Bylaws and changes in Bylaws do not require approval from the Executive Vice President and Provost, but shall be consistent with University-wide policy.
Bylaws of the Humphrey School
I. Organizational Structure of the School
The Humphrey School of Public Affairs is a single collegiate and academic unit of the University of Minnesota. It offers several distinct graduate degree programs; and engages in research and service and outreach activities. The teaching programs are offered by the Humphrey School Graduate Faculty and do not constitute separate departments.
II. Faculty Bylaws
Guidelines for extending voting privileges
Voting privileges shall be extended to individuals who are not tenure or tenure track faculty only if an individual receives an academic appointment as ‘contract faculty,’ as specified in the Collegiate Personnel Plan for Academic Appointments. Contract faculty shall be entitled to all governance rights and privileges of regular Faculty, including committee assignments as Faculty, unless a right or privilege is specified for tenured or tenure-track faculty only. Contract faculty may vote on any matter in front of the Faculty except issues relating to appointment, promotion, tenure, and retention of tenured or tenure-track members of the faculty. ‘Contract faculty’ does not include temporary faculty, visiting faculty, adjunct faculty, or academic professional and administrative staff with instructional responsibilities.
Guidelines for non-members attending Faculty meetings
Individuals who are not voting members of the Faculty may attend Faculty meetings only if their presence is approved by a majority of the voting Faculty. Staff members who attend Faculty meetings in the performance of their job duties may be approved for an entire academic year as stipulated in Section 3.3 of the Constitution. Other non-members must present a request for approval to attend at the beginning of each Faculty meeting. Non- members shall be excused from the room while discussion and voting on such requests occur. The Faculty may elect to approve the individual’s presence for the entire meeting, to approve the individual’s presence for select agenda items only, or to deny the request altogether. The result of each request shall be communicated to the individual.
Individuals who receive approval to attend Faculty meetings may not vote on any issue before the Faculty. The Faculty reserves the right to excuse any non-member(s) when a vote is taken.
Guidelines for Tenure Issues
Tenure issues shall be governed by Board of Regents Policy: Faculty Tenure and the 7.12 statement by the School. Procedures for addressing tenure issues shall be developed by the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and the Post-Tenure Review Committee. Such procedures shall be enacted upon receiving affirmative vote of the majority of tenured Faculty.
III. Graduate Faculty
Guidelines for non-members attending Graduate Faculty meetings
Individuals who are not voting members of the Graduate Faculty may attend Graduate Faculty meetings only if their presence is approved by a majority of the voting Graduate Faculty. Staff members who attend Graduate Faculty meetings in the performance of their job duties may be approved for an entire academic year as stipulated in Section 4.3 of the Constitution. Other non-members must present a request for approval to attend at the beginning of each Graduate Faculty meeting. Non-members shall be excused from the room while discussion and voting on such requests occur. The Graduate Faculty may elect to approve the individual’s presence for the entire meeting, to approve the individual’s presence for select agenda items only, or to deny the request altogether. The result of each request shall be communicated to the individual.
Individuals who receive approval to attend Graduate Faculty meetings may not vote on any issue before the Graduate Faculty. The Graduate Faculty reserves the right to excuse any non-member(s) when a vote is taken.
IV. Executive Council
The Executive Council shall be a representative body of the constituencies of the Humphrey School with power to advise on or approve policies, guidelines, and procedures on all matters not otherwise specified as the authority of the Dean, Faculty or Graduate Faculty.
The Executive Council shall consist of five voting members of the Faculty, including the Dean, an elected Academic Professional and Administrative employee, an elected Civil Service employee, and an elected Bargaining Unit employee, and the President of PASA. Principal administrators, senior administrative staff and leaders of other student organizations shall serve at the discretion of the Council as ex officio non-voting members. All elected members of the Executive Council have the right of full participation, including voting privileges. All ex officio members shall serve as resource personnel in areas of their expertise and have the right to fully participate in discussions of the Executive Council. Other than the Dean, Ex officio members do not have voting privileges, unless they also serve as a duly elected representative to the Executive Council. It is expected that the Executive Council will consult senior administrative personnel as appropriate in their discussions and decision-making.
The faculty representatives of the Executive Council other than the Dean shall be elected to three year terms by the voting members of the Faculty. Similarly, P and A, Civil Service and Bargaining Unit employees will be elected to staggered three year terms by their employment unit peers. Individuals may not be elected to the Executive Council for successive terms although they may be re-elected to the Council following a minimum one year break. Principal administrators may serve as representatives to the Executive Council, provided they are duly elected. The members of the Executive Council shall elect a Chairperson. The Council Chair must be a member of the tenured or tenure-track faculty.
The Executive Council Chair and Dean shall establish the meeting schedule for the calendar year, provided that the Executive Council shall meet at least once a semester. The Chair of the Executive Council, in consultation with the Dean and with input from the full Council, shall prepare an agenda for Executive Council meetings. Any request to present or report to the Executive Council shall be made at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
Executive Council meetings other than those dealing with personnel matters are open to all members of Humphrey School constituencies, but only elected members of the Executive Council may vote on matters in front of the Council. The Chair of the council shall chair meetings. The Council may take action at a meeting or by confidential ballot, at the pleasure of the Chair. A motion shall be considered passed only if an absolute majority of the members of the Executive Council votes in the affirmative.
A record of actions taken by the Executive Council at each Executive Council meeting and results of all Executive Council ballots shall be available to all members of the School community and maintained electronically.
V. Appointed Committees
All appointed committees are advisory as described in Section 5.4 of the Constitution. Each committee is advisory to the Executive Council and the Dean, unless specified in the sections below. Once appointed to a committee, each member has the right of full participation within the committee, including voting rights, unless otherwise specified.
Appointments to committees shall be structured to create overlapping, staggered terms, with approximately one-third of membership changing each year. All terms will be for a period of three years, unless otherwise specified in the following sections. Standing committee appointments shall take place each spring semester for the following academic year. In the appointment process, a reasonable attempt shall be made to create diversity in factors such as tenure, experience, disciplinary background, and expertise of committee members, as well as demographic factors. Unless otherwise specified in the following sections, the Dean shall appoint members to standing committees, after soliciting input from relevant constituencies. Should a vacancy occur, the Dean shall appoint an individual to serve out the term of the departed committee member in such a way as to preserve the composition of the committee.
The Dean shall appoint a Chairperson for each committee on an annual basis. The term of the Chairperson shall be for one academic year, unless re-appointed as chair. The committee may elect other officers as deemed necessary, unless otherwise specified below. Subcommittees may be established at the discretion of a committee chair, and shall report to the committee under which it is established. The responsibility and membership for each standing committee are defined as follows.
- Dean’s Cabinet. The Dean may appoint a Cabinet to provide advice to the Dean and principal administrators on long term programmatic development of the Institute, including resource requirements, and on short and immediate term program and resource management issues, and on the conduct of periodic reviews of ongoing programs. The number and composition of the Cabinet is wholly at the discretion of the Dean. Cabinet members shall be appointed on an annual basis for a one-year term. Principal administrators shall serve as ex officio members of the Cabinet, at the pleasure of the Dean.
Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee. The Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee will act as an educational review committee to deal with broad educational policy and curricular issues and goals, experimental programs, innovations in instruction, or general grading and evaluation guidelines and practices.
The Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for studying and making recommendations to the Graduate Faculty regarding modification of or additions to Humphrey School educational policies; educational issues of School-wide importance, including but not limited to periodic review of core area education requirements for the School, review and monitoring of existing courses, approval of proposed courses, review of proposed degree programs, clarification of instructional policy issues; and providing a forum for negotiating course requirement issues.
The Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee is advisory to the Graduate Faculty. The committee shall submit an annual written report in the spring summarizing committee activities, issues, discussions, procedure decisions and recommendations. The Dean’s Office shall keep a record of all annual reports. The membership shall consist of at least one Graduate Faculty member from each degree program area, the DGS, the Associate Dean for Academics, and at least two students. At a minimum, two additional committee members shall be appointed to serve one-year terms. The one-year committee appointees shall be either members of the academic professional staff (i.e., Senior Fellows or Fellow), non-contract term faculty (i.e. visiting or temporary faculty), or adjunct faculty. At least two of the graduate faculty members shall be members of the Faculty. Staff from the Graduate Programs Office shall serve as ex officio non-voting members of the committee and shall provide staffing support to the committee. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Director of Graduate Studies shall chair the committee.
- Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee shall be responsible for developing admission criteria, within University guidelines and subject to approval of the Graduate Faculty, and recommending students for admission to the MPP, MS-STEP, MURP, MPA and PhD degree programs offered by the School (as well as any other programs the School may develop). In instances where the Humphrey School shares degree granting responsibility with another College as with the Master of Human Rights and Master of Development Practice degrees, the Admissions Committee is advisory to the Deans of all participating Colleges and the cross-collegiate committees charged with providing program oversight. In all other cases the Admissions Committee is advisory to the Graduate Faculty and the Dean. The committee shall provide to the DGS a list of students recommended for admission to the aforementioned degree programs. The DGS shall forward these names to the Graduate School with a recommendation for admission. The Director of Admissions and Recruitment shall be a member of the committee, and shall provide staffing support to the committee. The Admissions Committee shall consist of two members of the Faculty, plus the Director of Admissions and Recruitment.
VI. Elected Committees
All elected committees are advisory as described in Section 6.6 of the Constitution. Each committee is advisory to either the Faculty or the Dean, as specified in the sections below. Once elected to a committee, each member has the right of full participation within the committee, including voting rights, unless otherwise specified.
Committee elections shall be structured to create overlapping, staggered terms, with approximately one-third of membership changing each year. All terms will be for a period of three years. Elections for standing committees shall take place each spring semester for the following academic year. In the election process, a reasonable attempt shall be made to create diversity in factors such as tenure, experience, disciplinary background, and expertise of committee members. The Dean’s office will coordinate with relevant units to conduct elections of voting membership on elected committees. If a vacancy should occur, the committee itself shall make arrangements to fill the vacancy through appropriate election procedures.
Each committee shall elect a Chairperson and may elect other officers as deemed necessary, unless otherwise specified below. The term of the Chairperson shall be for one academic year, unless re-elected as chair. Subcommittees may be established at the discretion of a committee Chair, and shall report to the committee under which it is established. The responsibility and membership for each standing committee are defined as follows.
- Promotion and Tenure Committee. The Promotion and Tenure Committee will review departmental documents for promotion and tenure of tenured and tenure-track Faculty members and promotion of non-tenure track term Faculty members (i.e., contract, visiting, or temporary), and may review departmental documents of academic professional nominees for promotion within faculty rank. The committee is advisory to the Faculty. The committee will advise the Faculty on promotion and tenure policies and make recommendations about candidates for promotion and tenure. This committee’s actions will be governed in accordance with pertinent sections of the University’s regulations governing tenure and promotion and School policy regarding promotion within rank for academic professionals. This committee will consist of three elected associate or full professors holding appointments with continuous tenure. Members of the committee may vote only on promotion for those being considered at their own rank or a lower rank. The Dean or a designee will be a non-voting member of this committee.
Faculty Merit Review Committee. The Faculty Merit Review Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the annual activity reports submitted by all other Faculty and shall submit an annual report and summary of ratings to the Dean, in accordance with merit review guidelines approved by the Humphrey School faculty and the University and the University’s Compensation Policy. The activity reports of committee members shall be reviewed by the Dean or the Dean’s designee.
The Faculty Merit Review Committee also shall be responsible for fulfilling the requirements Section 7.a.2. of Board of Regents Policy: Faculty Tenure, whereby a peer faculty review committee is responsible for reviewing the possible sub- standard performance of a Faculty member detected during the annual review and to participate in planning steps to improve the performance of the Faculty member. The committee also is responsible for reviewing the performance of the Faculty member the following year.
The Faculty Merit Review Committee is advisory to the Dean or principal administrator designated by the dean. The Faculty Merit Review Committee consists of three members of the Faculty, elected by the voting members of the Faculty.
VII. Other Standing Committees
The Dean is empowered to create other standing committees and appoint their members. The Faculty, the Graduate Faculty, or the Executive Council may request the creation of a standing committee upon petition of a majority of voting members of the respective body.
VIII. Special Committees
Special ad hoc committees may be created by the Dean to study and make recommendations on specific topics. Special committees shall have a defined charge, appropriate diversity in membership related to topic and charge, a limited time for operation, and a reporting requirement. The Faculty, the Graduate Faculty, or the Executive Council may request the creation of an ad hoc committee upon petition of a majority of voting members of the respective body.
IX. Public Affairs Students Association
Students are represented in the governance of the School by the Public Affairs Student Association (PASA). The Association or its officers may consult with the Dean, principal administrators, Executive Council, or any committee on matters of student concern. The Association or its officers may bring such matters to the attention of the School Assembly. Students are represented on the Executive Council as provided in Section four of the Bylaws, and on committees as provided in Sections five and six of the Bylaws.
X. Periodic Review of Programs of the School
The School shall be subject to periodic review according to procedures established by the Regents for the external and internal review of academic units of the University. In addition, the School’s programs may be subject to periodic review by accreditation and certification panels of national professional organizations and scholarly societies that recognize, accredit, or certify professional degree programs offered by the School, if the School chooses to participate.
XI. Appointment and Review of the Dean
As delegated by the President, the Executive Vice President and Provost has authority for recommending to the Board of Regents the appointment and terms of employment of the Dean, as well as review of the Dean. University policy provides for a search Committee appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost. Reflecting the inclusive culture of the School, it is recommended that the search committee include faculty, staff, and students.
The Board of Regents appoints the Dean on nomination of the Executive Vice President and Provost and the President. The Dean serves at the pleasure of the Provost.
Review of the Dean will take place pursuant to University Policy on the Reviewing and Evaluating of Deans.
XII. Consistent with University Policy
To the extent any provision of this Constitution or Bylaws conflicts with a University policy (now or in the future), the University-wide policy takes precedence. Reasonable effort shall be made to update this Constitution and Bylaws as necessary to be consistent with University policy.
XIII. Resolution in cases of uncertainty
In cases where it is unclear or disputed which School body has responsibility or authority, the Dean, in consultation with Executive Council and principal administrators, shall determine the appropriate authority and procedures.