Table of contents
Article I. Approval Process
Section 1: Approval of the Bylaws
I.1. These Bylaws shall become effective immediately following their adoption by the faculty of the college and their approval by Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. Adoption will require a majority vote of the faculty. If a majority vote is not obtained at a meeting of the faculty, a mail or email ballot of the faculty is required. The vote of the faculty ratifying the Bylaws shall be certified by signature of the Dean.
Section 2: Interpretation
I.2. Final authority to interpret these Bylaws shall reside with the Faculty Assembly.
Section 3: Amendments
I.3. The Bylaws of the College may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members of the Faculty Assembly. Bylaws and their amendments, or changes necessary for the implementation of this Constitution, may be proposed by the Dean, Faculty, Adjunct, P&A or CS/L-R Assemblies or an academic unit of the College.
Article II.
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Article III. The Dean
Section 1: Duties and Authority
III.1.1. The Dean, as the chief representative and executive officer of the College, shall, through visionary leadership, communicate the mission and activities of the College to the community, orchestrate the fundraising agenda, and have general administrative authority over the affairs of the College. The Dean or the Dean’s designee shall serve as the primary communicator of the College’s official business with other University authorities.
III.1.2. The Dean has final authority over strategic planning and budget recommendations made to the Executive Vice President and Provost; following consultation with members of the Senior Leadership Group.
III.1.3. The Dean shall appoint heads and directors of departments/schools, free-standing programs, and collegiate centers guided by the results of a search for suitable candidates. Interim heads and directors may be appointed at the Dean’s discretion, without a formal search, after consultation with affected parties such as faculty and staff.
III.1.4. The Dean shall periodically conduct reviews of all departments, schools, centers, and academic programs.
III.1.5. The Dean is ultimately accountable for the quality of the faculty of the College and will review each personnel action in this context. The Dean shall make recommendations to the Executive Vice President and Provost or the Provost’s designee for all faculty appointments and salary adjustments following consultation with the appropriate department/school head, or director of a center or free-standing program within the College.
III.1.6. The Dean may appoint Associate Deans and Assistant Deans, delegating to them responsibility to assist in the discharge of certain duties and authorities of the Dean as may be necessary or appropriate. These appointments shall be made in a manner consistent with University search and tenure policies. The Dean may also establish working groups to provide advice on executive matters of the College.
Section 2: Appointment of the Dean
III.2.1. It is recommended to the Provost that the search process should provide faculty, staff, students, and community partners with an opportunity to meet with and hear in a public forum from candidates who are announced as finalists for the position. Interim appointments will be made by the Provost, after consultation with the faculty and staff of the College.
Section 3: Vote of No Confidence
III.3.1. Should circumstances warrant, the procedure to call a Vote of No Confidence of the Dean can be initiated by the Faculty Assembly through the introduction of a written motion to recall the Dean, signed by a minimum of one-third of the members of the Faculty Assembly. A two-thirds vote of the Faculty Assembly shall be required to recommend that the Provost be asked to declare a vacancy.
Article IV. The Faculty
[This section left intentionally blank]Article V. Other Constituents
[This section left intentionally blank]Article VI. Collegiate Governance
Section 1: College Administrative Structure
VI.1.1. General
VI.1.1.a.The administrative structure within the College will be determined by the Dean in consultation with the Senior Leadership Group of the College.
VI.1.2. Senior Leadership Group
VI.1.2.a. In addition to the Dean, the Senior Leadership Group includes the Associate and Assistant Deans, department/school heads, the Chair of the Faculty Assembly, the Directors of Human Resources, Finance, and the Chief of Staff. The Senior Leadership Group will advise the Dean on the planning, coordination and execution of the College-level activities. The Senior Leadership Group shall meet at least monthly during the academic year to discuss the business of the College.
VI.1.3. Associate Deans
VI.1.3.a. To fill a vacancy of an Associate Dean, the Dean can either appoint directly or conduct a search that shall provide faculty, staff, and students with an opportunity to meet with and hear from candidates who are announced as finalists for the position. The Associate Dean serves at the discretion of the Dean.”
VI.1.4. Assistant Deans
VI.1.4.a. To fill a vacancy of an Assistant Dean, the Dean can either appoint directly or conduct a search that shall provide faculty, staff, and students with an opportunity to meet with and hear from candidates who are announced as finalists for the position. The Assistant Dean serves at the discretion of the Dean.
VI.1.5. Departments/Schools Structure
VI.1.5.a. The dean is responsible for appointing, reappointing and terminating department heads. To fill a department head vacancy, the Dean shall provide departmental faculty opportunities for input. If a search committee is established, the committee shall recruit, identify, and evaluate qualified candidates. Departments may bring nominations to the dean. After soliciting and considering input from the faculty, the dean shall appoint or renew department heads for a specific term. The committee can submit a report of strengths and weaknesses of the individuals to be interviewed and later proposed for candidacy to the Dean, based on the qualifications in the position description. The department/school head serves at the discretion of the Dean. Interim appointments will be made by the Dean, after consultation with the faculty and staff of the department/school. Typically, no Interim Head appointment shall be converted to a permanent position and no Interim Head appointment shall last longer than one year without conducting a full search for a permanent position.
VI.1.5.b. The Dean shall initiate a comprehensive review to assess the status, progress, and effectiveness of the department/school head’s administration at a minimum of every four years. Should circumstances warrant, voting faculty of the department/school may recommend to the Dean, by a two-thirds majority, the recall of the department/school head.
VI.1.5.c. Should the Dean find it necessary to appoint an interim department/school head, the term of the interim head will be determined by the Dean in consultation with the voting faculty of the department/school for the purpose of ensuring the effective functioning of the unit. Appointees shall have full voting rights in the unit and in the College, including the right to vote on educational and personnel matters. Before taking such action, the Dean shall consult with the Senior Leadership Group and proceed according to any applicable University policy. Throughout any implementation of the receivership process, the Dean and Provost shall protect the tenure rights of faculty members according to the Regulations on Faculty Tenure. This policy shall not bear on the process of ordinary appointment of department/school heads or faculty members, nor shall it be used to eliminate departments/schools or to make other changes in academic organization.
VI.1.6. College-wide and Intercollege Centers
VI.1.6.a. All centers organized within or affiliated with the College must be organized and governed under the conditions defined in this article, the Bylaws of the College, and University administrative policies. Establishment of a College-wide center must follow College procedures and are initially established for five-years. Centers should regularly communicate their activities and scholarship to the College community. The Dean shall initiate comprehensive reviews of each College-wide center, typically at a minimum of every four years to coincide with the periodic comprehensive review of the director.
VI.1.6.b. To fill a vacancy in the directorship of a center, the Dean can choose to appoint directly or can appoint a search committee to recruit, identify, and evaluate qualified candidates. A director typically will be appointed for an initial three-year term. Subsequent terms are annually renewable, dependent on performance and available funding.
VI.1.7. Academic Unit Centers
VI.1.7.a. All centers within or affiliated with an academic unit must be organized and governed under the conditions defined in the Bylaws of that academic unit. The academic unit head shall appoint the director of the academic unit center, and will conduct periodic comprehensive reviews, no less than every five years, of each academic unit center.
VI.1.8. Grievance Procedures
VI.1.8.a. The College will follow established University and contractual policies and procedures in the handling of academic and personnel grievances.
Section 2: Academic and Governance Structure
VI.2.2. Departments, Schools, and Programs
VI.2.2.a. Each department/school shall hold at least two meetings in each semester of the academic year for the consideration of matters concerning department/school policy and decisions regarding their teaching/learning, research/discovery, and engagement/outreach.
VI.2.2.b. Each academic program within a department/school shall be governed by a committee comprised of faculty active in the program. Department/school heads have the authority to appoint the directors of academic programs within their units, though heads may delegate the appointment to program faculty based on the unit’s bylaws. The directors of department/school programs report directly to the head.
Each free-standing academic program shall be governed by a committee comprised of faculty active in the program. Free-standing programs report to the Dean or the Dean’s designee. The program director shall be appointed by the Dean or the Dean’s designee based on recommendations from the program committee.
VI.2.2.c. The academic programs of the College will be periodically reviewed in accordance with University and College policies and procedures. For accredited academic programs, the review will be conducted concurrently with the accreditation process. Proposals for new, merged, and/or discontinued programs can be initiated by the program’s governing faculty, program director, department/school head, or the Dean. Proposals will be reviewed by the governing faculty of the affected program(s), department(s)/school(s), the College Curriculum Committee and other affected departments/schools using criteria of program quality, student demand, and financial viability. Proposal recommendations shall be forwarded to the Dean for approval.
VI.2.2.d. Programs operating in conjunction with another College will be reviewed by appropriate governing faculty and leadership in the affected colleges.
VI.2.3. College Assembly
VI.2.3.a. General. The purpose of the College Assembly is to disseminate information and discuss matters concerning the College. College Assembly membership includes all collegiate faculty, staff and students as defined in the Constitution. This is a non-voting body. The College Assembly shall meet once each year in Fall Semester. The Dean or the Dean’s designee, and the Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall call the meetings of the assembly, prepare the agenda, and preside over the meeting. Agenda topics shall be solicited from all constituencies of the College and may include, but not be limited to, the following items: budget and fundraising, including information on the collegiate compact process; collegiate strategic planning efforts; departmental/school strategic planning efforts; college academic resources; unit goals and objectives; and, collegiate operations. The agenda shall include a question-and-answer session of adequate time for participation and discussion from all constituent groups.
VI.2.3.b. Standing Committees of the College Assembly
VI.2.3.b.(1). Design Technology Committee. The Design Technology Committee provides visionary leadership in relation to the use of technology, as well as digitally oriented creative scholarship, within the disciplines across the College. The Committee analyzes emerging technology issues and assesses how to serve the College’s academic, research, and outreach missions effectively, as they relate to technology. The Committee will consist of one representative of each academic department/school (three members), one professional/administrative (PA) staff, one civil service/labor-represented (CS/L-R) staff, the Director of IT, and the Dean or the Dean’s designee. The Dean or the Dean’s designee will appoint committee members. Typical terms of members of the Design Technology Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.3.b.(2). Diversity Committee. The Diversity Committee shall work to ensure a fully inclusive community in the College, committed to supporting diverse people and ways of knowing. The Committee shall seek ways for the College to understand and meet the needs of all types of people to create culturally and socially responsive prototypes, projects, and environments. As such, the Committee oversees fostering such inquiry and responsiveness in the College by welcoming, affirming, and empowering all students, faculty, and staff. The committee will consist of one representative of each academic department/school (three members), one professional/administrative (PA) staff, one civil service/labor-represented (CS/L R) staff, one undergraduate student, one graduate student, and the Dean or the Dean’s designee. The Dean or the Dean’s designee will appoint committee members. Typical terms of members of the Diversity Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.3.b.(3). Honors and Awards Committee. The Honors and Awards Committee shall be responsible for coordinating the annual College of Design Honors and Awards process, including the nominations process and dossier review. Committee members also play a role in elevating recognition of College faculty and staff by forwarding its suggestions for possible University Award recipients to school/department heads and unit directors. The committee will consist of one representative of each academic department/school (three members), one professional/administrative (PA) staff, one civil service/labor-represented (CS/L-R) staff, one undergraduate student, one graduate student, and the Dean or the Dean’s designee. The Dean or the Dean’s designee will appoint committee members. Typical terms of members of the Honors and Awards Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.4. Faculty Assembly
VI.2.4.a. General. The Faculty Assembly will carry on broad discussions and make recommendations on all topics and issues concerning the fulfillment of the College mission. The Faculty Assembly is responsible for recommending all College academic policies related to teaching, curriculum, and degree requirements.
VI.2.4.b. Membership. The Faculty Assembly membership shall consist of all faculty as defined in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution. Each member of the Faculty Assembly shall have one vote. Ordinary business of the Faculty Assembly, including amendments to proposals may be ruled on by a majority of those attending the meeting. The Dean’s office is responsible for coordinating and counting votes with the Chair and Vice-chair of the Faculty Assembly. Faculty
Assembly meetings may be attended by all faculty and staff of the College and others as designated by the assembly.
VI.2.4.c. Leadership.
VI.2.4.c.(1). A Chair and a Vice-chair shall be elected from among the Faculty Assembly membership by a majority vote. The Chair and the Vice-chair shall serve concurrent terms of two years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. Election for new leadership shall take place spring semester in the second year of the term, with new term responsibilities beginning in August of the subsequent academic year. The Faculty Assembly Vice-chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair or vacancy of the Chair position. The Chair may delegate certain responsibilities to the Vice-chair at the Chair’s discretion.
VI.2.4.c.(2). The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall attend the College Senior Leadership Group meetings and provide a report to the Faculty Assembly.
VI.2.4.c.(3). The Faculty Assembly Chair shall be responsible for setting the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Assembly, chairing all meetings of the assembly, organizing and maintaining records of the meetings with the assistance of the Dean’s office staff, and providing consultation with the Dean and the Senior Leadership Group on behalf of the Faculty Assembly.
VI.2.4.c.(4). Removal of the Chair or Vice-chair prior to the end of their terms requires a special petition initiated by a member(s) of the Faculty Assembly and sent to the Dean with signatures of one-third of the voting members of the Faculty Assembly. At a regular meeting, a vote for removal may take place. Removal requires a two-thirds vote of the voting members of the Faculty Assembly.
VI.2.4.d. Meetings. The Faculty Assembly shall operate according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless it is agreed to proceed more informally. The Faculty Assembly shall hold two regular meetings each semester of the academic year. All regular meetings of the Faculty Assembly shall require at least ten calendar days prior notice to the membership. Regular meetings shall be called and chaired by the Faculty Assembly Chair or, in the Dean’s absence, by the Vice-chair. Special emergency meetings may be called with two calendar days prior notice at the discretion of the Chair, or in the Chair’s absence, by the Vice-chair, to address urgent matters.
VI.2.4.d.(1). All academic policy recommendations related to teaching, curriculum, and degree requirements within the College shall be passed by majority vote of the Faculty Assembly. Before considering a policy recommendation, the Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall determine if it should also be considered by any of the other assemblies or leadership committees before being voted on by the Faculty Assembly.
VI.2.4.d.(2). All academic policies recommended by the Faculty Assembly must be approved by the Dean before becoming College policy. If the Dean vetoes the policy recommendation, the Faculty Assembly shall vote again on the policy. If at least two-thirds of the Faculty Assembly contests the Dean’s veto, it shall be the responsibility of the Dean and the Chair of the Faculty Assembly to negotiate a resolution of the policy disagreement. Unresolved policy deliberations will carry forward across academic years.
VI.2.4.e. Standing Committees of the Faculty Assembly. Members of standing committees of the Faculty Assembly are elected for two-year terms. Terms will be staggered among members of committees. Committee chairs are selected annually from their respective committee membership and appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Assembly.
VI.2.4.e.(1). Faculty Leadership Committee. The Faculty Leadership Committee will consist of the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly, one representative of each academic department/school (three members), one representative that serves on the behalf of all free standing academic programs elected by the directors of those programs, and two additional members elected at-large from among the voting members of the Faculty Assembly. The Faculty Leadership Committee will be consulted as the College develops requests for investments and the collegiate strategic plan. The Faculty Leadership Committee will address issues that arise from the Faculty Assembly and report on their activities to the Faculty Assembly no less than once a year. The Faculty Leadership Committee shall represent the faculty at large and not the individual department/school/centers’ homes of the members. They shall serve as the consulting body to the Dean and as the executive committee of the Faculty Assembly. Typical terms of members of the Faculty Leadership Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.4.e.(2). Faculty Leave Committee. The Faculty Leave Committee shall review applications for faculty single semester leave and sabbatical supplement proposals. The proposals are reviewed based on quality metrics distributed with the call for applications. The Faculty Leave Committee will make ranked recommendations to the Dean. The membership will consist of one faculty member from each academic unit, elected by the voting members of that unit. Typical terms of members of the Faculty Leave Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.4.e.(3). Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee. The Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee will review dossiers provided by academic units of nominees for promotion and tenure of regular tenure/tenure-track faculty members, and promotion of contract faculty members, ensuring both procedural fairness and academic quality. The committee will advise the Dean on College promotion and tenure procedures and make recommendations about candidates for promotion and tenure. This committee’s actions will be governed in accordance with pertinent sections of the University regulations governing tenure and promotion and unit 7.12 statements. Membership of the committee will consist of tenured associate or full professors elected from each department/school. The formula for faculty representation shall be one representative for each department/school and up to one additional representative for each department/school with more than 10 tenured and tenure-track members. Members of the committee may vote only on promotion for those being considered at their own rank or a lower rank. Committee members from the department/school of the candidate under consideration must recuse themselves from participation in discussion and deliberation of that candidate. Typical terms of members of the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.4.e.(4). Salary Equity Review Committee. The Salary Equity Review Committee is appointed by the Dean and will serve on an ad hoc basis. The committee is charged with reviewing tenure, tenure-track, and contract faculty salaries in the aggregate and reviewing individual requests to ensure equitable salary levels across the College. The committee shall conduct a full salary equity review of tenure, tenure-track, and contract faculty every four or five years. For faculty members who individually request a review of their salary, the Committee shall identify comparator faculty for the request and each case will be based on the comparator documentation obtained. While multiple factors shall be considered in the review, faculty productivity shall be the core factor. The committee shall make a recommendation to the Dean by March 31, in any given year, regarding whether each faculty member being reviewed should receive an equity increase and the reasoning that supports their recommendation. Both the work and the recommendations of the committee are confidential. Committee membership shall consist of four associate or full professors and gender-identity balance amongst members is required. Typical terms of the members of the Salary Equity Committee shall be two years in length.
VI.2.4.e.(5). Curriculum Committee.
VI.2.4.e.(5).(a).The Curriculum Committee provides leadership and guidance on undergraduate and graduate educational issues of concern to faculty, students, and the administration. The committee shall identify and refer to the Dean course and program proposals with significant financial or policy implications. The committee shall meet regularly during fall and spring semesters.
VI.2.4.e.(5).(b). All course additions, modifications, and deletions and program modifications originating in academic units and/or from a free-standing program must be submitted to the Curriculum Committee before action is taken by the Faculty Assembly. The Curriculum Committee will forward recommended course and program proposals to the Faculty Assembly for their review and approval by majority vote.
VI.2.4.e.(5).(c). Proposals for new, merged, or eliminated programs may be initiated by faculty of the affected programs or by the Dean. The Curriculum Committee shall review and forward proposals for new, merged, or eliminated programs to the Faculty Assembly for their review and recommendation. The referral forwarded to the Provost shall include the report of the Faculty Assembly action and the Dean’s recommendation.
VI.2.4.e.(5).(d). Academic units may make minor house-keeping modifications in existing courses and curricular requirements, provided such changes are approved by the Dean or the Dean’s designee. If the Dean or the Dean’s designee believes that a proposed change requires committee consideration, it shall be referred to the committee.
VI.2.4.e.(5).(e). Membership of the Curriculum Committee shall consist of representatives elected from each department/school. The formula for faculty representation shall be one representative for each department/school and up to one additional representative for each department/school with more than10 faculty members. An additional Curriculum Committee member will be one representative that serves on the behalf of all free-standing academic programs elected by the directors of those programs, Non-voting members will be one adjunct faculty with less than a 75% appointment elected from the Adjunct Faculty Assembly; up to two undergraduate students and two graduate students appointed by the Dean or the Dean’s designee; the College Registrar; the Assistant Dean for Student Services; and the Dean or the Dean’s designee. Typical terms of members of the Curriculum Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.5. Adjunct Faculty Assembly
VI.2.5.a. The Adjunct Faculty Assembly shall meet to discuss Adjunct Faculty matters that come under the jurisdiction of the College. The Adjunct Faculty Assembly membership shall consist of all part-time faculty of the College (less than 75%) as defined in the Constitution, currently on appointment and in good standing. Each adjunct faculty member shall have one vote in the Adjunct Faculty Assembly. The Adjunct Faculty Assembly shall hold an annual meeting in the fall and hold additional meetings as warranted. A Chair and Vice-chair shall be elected from among the Adjunct Faculty Assembly membership by a majority vote and serve one-year terms.
VI.2.5.b. The Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee will serve in an advisory role to the Faculty Assembly and the Dean on all matters concerning adjunct faculty. Membership of the committee shall consist of the Chair and Vice-chair of the Adjunct Faculty Assembly and up to an additional four adjunct faculty elected by a majority vote of the adjunct faculty. The Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee shall hold at least two regular meetings each academic year. Typical terms of members of the Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.5.c. The Adjunct Faculty Leadership Committee may appoint a member(s) to serve on a Dean’s working group(s) such as the Honors and Awards Committee and the Design Technology Committee.
VI.2.6. Professional and Administrative (P&A) Assembly
VI.2.6.a. The P&A Assembly shall meet to discuss all P&A matters that come under the jurisdiction of the College. The P&A Assembly membership shall consist of all P&A members of the College as defined in the Constitution. Each member of the P&A Assembly shall have one vote. The Dean’s office is responsible for coordinating and counting votes with the Chair and Vice chair of the P&A Assembly.
VI.2.6.b. A Chair and Vice-chair shall be elected from among the P&A Assembly membership by a majority vote. The Chair and the Vice-chair shall serve concurrent terms of two years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. Election for new leadership shall take place at the last meeting of the academic year, with their term responsibilities beginning in September of the subsequent academic year. The P&A Assembly Vice-chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair or vacancy of the Chair position. The Chair may delegate responsibilities to the Vice-chair at the Chair’s discretion.
VI.2.6.c. The P&A Assembly shall hold at least two regular meetings each academic year. All regular meetings of the assembly shall require at least ten calendar days prior notice to the membership. Regular meetings shall be called and chaired by the P&A Assembly Chair, or in the Chair’s absence, by the Vice-chair. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of theChair,
or in the Chair’s absence, by the Vice-chair, to address urgent matters. Special emergency meetings may be called with two calendar day’s prior notice.
VI.2.6.d. The P&A Assembly Chair shall be responsible for setting the agenda for meetings of the P&A Assembly, chairing all meetings of the P&A Assembly, organizing and maintaining records of the meetings with the assistance of Dean’s office staff, and providing consultation with the Dean on behalf of the P&A Assembly.
VI.2.6.e. Removal of the Chair or Vice-chair prior to the end of their terms requires a special petition sent to the Dean with signatures of one-third of the P&A Assembly members. At a regular meeting, a vote for removal may take place. Removal requires a majority vote.
VI.2.6.f. Membership of the P&A Leadership Committee shall consist of the Chair and Vice chair of the P&A Assembly and up to an additional four representatives elected from the P&A Assembly membership. The Dean or the Dean’s designee shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee. The P&A Leadership Committee will serve in an advisory role to the P&A Assembly and to the Dean on all matters concerning P&A members. The P&A Leadership Committee will review all applications for mini-leaves, short-term leaves, and extended leaves forwarded from department/school heads, unit directors, or supervisors. The P&A Leadership Committee will forward, by majority vote of the committee members, recommendations about candidates for such leaves. Typical terms of members of the P&A Leadership Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.6.g. The P&A Assembly and/or the P&A Leadership Committee may form working groups. The P&A Assembly members will elect the members of the working groups from among their members by majority vote. Working groups shall have the authority to adopt rules governing their management and processes, in addition to a Chair by majority vote.VI.2.7. Civil Service/Labor-Represented (CS/L-R) Assembly
VI.2.7.a. The CS/L-R Assembly shall consist of all CS/L-R members of the College as defined in the Constitution. The CS/L-R Assembly will carry on broad discussions and make recommendations on all topics and issues concerning CS/L-R employees in the fulfillment of the College of Design mission. Each member of the CS/L-R Assembly shall have one vote. The Dean’s office is responsible for coordinating and counting votes with the Chair and Vice-chair of the CS/L-R Assembly.
VI.2.7.b. A Chair and Vice-chair shall be elected from among the CS/L-R Assembly membership. The Chair and the Vice-chair shall serve concurrent terms of two years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. Election for new leadership shall take place at the last meeting of the academic year, with their term responsibilities beginning in September of the subsequent academic year. The Vice-chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair or vacancy of the Chair position. The Chair may delegate responsibilities to the Vice-chair at the Chair’s discretion. The Chair shall be responsible for communication with the Dean or the Dean’s designee regarding policy.
VI.2.7.c. The CS/L-R Assembly shall hold at least two regular meetings each academic year. All regular meetings of the assembly shall require at least ten calendar days prior notice to the membership. Regular meetings shall be called and chaired by the Chair of the CS/L-R Assembly, or in the Chair’s absence, by the Vice-chair. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair, or in the Chair’s absence, by the Vice-chair, to address urgent matters. Special emergency meetings may be called with two calendar days prior notice.
VI.2.7.d. The CS/L-R Assembly Chair shall be responsible for setting the agenda for meetings of the CS/L-R assembly, chairing all meetings of the assembly, organizing and maintaining records of the meetings with the assistance of Dean’s office staff, and providing consultation with the Dean on behalf of the CS/L-R Assembly.
VI.2.7.e. Removal of the Chair or Vice-chair prior to the end of their term requires a special petition sent to the Dean with signatures of one-third of the assembly members. At a regular meeting a vote for removal may take place. Removal requires a majority vote.
VI.2.7.f. Membership of the CS/L-R Leadership Committee shall consist of the Chair and Vice chair of the CS/L-R Assembly and up to an additional four representatives elected from the CS/L-R Assembly membership. The Dean or the Dean’s designee shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee. The CS/L-R Leadership Committee will serve in an advisory role to the CS/L-R Assembly and to the Dean on all matters concerning CS/L-R members. Typical terms of members of the CS/L-R Leadership Committee shall be two years in length with the goal to stagger membership terms to ensure continuity.
VI.2.7.f. The CS/L-R Assembly or the CS/L-R Chair or Vice-chair may form working groups. The assembly members will elect the members of the working groups from among their membership by majority vote. Special working groups shall have the authority to adopt rules governing its management and processes.
Effective date of Bylaws
The College of Design Bylaws were approved on March 15, 2015.
February 28, 2020. Updated language to ensure alignment with Provost, University, and HR policies. (Faculty Vote: Approve 51, Reject 0, Abstain 3)
December 22, 2016. Academic Technology Committee changed name to Design Technology Committee.
April 29, 2016. Clarified membership of the Senior Leadership Group. Combined Center and Center Director comprehensive review and added inclusion of external stakeholders to center review committees. Transitioned Academic Technology and Honors and Awards Committees from work groups to standing committees of the College Assembly. Clarified membership on all standing committees of the College Assembly is via appointment by the Dean or Dean’s designee. Clarified language on Faculty Leadership Committee membership as one representative for all free-standing programs. Added Salary Equity Review Committee as a standing committee of the Faculty Assembly. Clarified that eligibility for the P&A and CS/L-R Assemblies is any percentage of appointment.
April 25, 2016. Updated External Relations to Advancement, Director of External Relations to Assistant Dean, and Assistant to the Dean to Chief of Staff.