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Policy Statement
The University of Minnesota Twin Cities awards academic credit for academic coursework associated with internship, co-op, and related professional experiences.
- Up to 3 academic credits may be awarded for an academic course associated with an internship or co-op experience.
- Academic credit is commensurate with the content and instructional time in the academic course, as articulated in Administrative Policy: Expected Time per Course Credit. Time completed at the experience can account for up to two-thirds of a student’s out-of-class work time.
- The academic expectations of an internship or co-op course must be documented in a course syllabus and reinforced in a contract or agreement.
- The academic course must have an instructor who is not the internship or co-op supervisor.
- Academic credit for an internship course should be earned concurrently or in the subsequent term, immediately following the internship.
Reason for Policy
Uniformity of expectations for academic credit for courses associated with internships and co-op experiences is in the best interest of students, faculty and staff. Consistency allows for compliance with federal financial aid regulations and accreditation requirements.