University of Minnesota  Appendix

Determining Eligibility for Access


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A. Mechanical Keys and U-Card Access

Eligibility to each key type is determined by the Campus Specific Access Compliance Unit. Guidelines for eligibility are as follows:

Key Type Access Level Eligibility to Carry
Building Master will operate all groups of locks under different master keys within one building Specified Facilities Management Custodial & Maintenance Staff (on a shift basis only), Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Division Heads, Department Heads, building managers, specified departmental personnel, police/fire personnel
Note: Eligibility to carry depends on the campus specific access compliance unit's guidelines.
Sub-Master will operate a given group of locks within a building Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Division Heads, Department Heads and specified personnel for those areas under their jurisdiction.
Individual will operate locks keyed alike Faculty, staff, or students (approval from Department Facilities Representative)
Building Entrance with Card Access operates card reader doors only Fire lock box, building manager, and PSECC
Building Entrance without Card Access designed to operate main door(s) Faculty, staff or students (approval from Department Facilities Representative)
Specialized key security systems (uniquely coded access system, operating independent of building master system) will open electrical/mechanical rooms, elevator control rooms, and other high-risk specialized areas Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Division Heads, Department Heads, fire lockbox, building manager, and PSECC

B. Special Security Keying

Special security keying is generally discouraged and will be reserved only for high risk applications where it is determined that an extreme level of security control is warranted. Typical installations might include rooms containing dangerous mechanical equipment, or clinical and research areas containing hazardous or infectious agents. Eligibility for changing to a security keying system is evaluated jointly by the Department Facilitites Representative and the Campus Specific Access Compliance unit.

C. Card Access Control Systems

Eligibility for installation for a card access control system will be evaluated jointly by Facilities Management and the Department of Public Safety. Eligibility for access to controlled areas will be determined by the Department Facilities Representative at time of issuance.