University of Minnesota  Procedure

Releasing Student Information


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Governing Policy


Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

Conditions for Releasing Student Information

Before personally identifiable student information is released, the following conditions are observed:

  • The University forwards education records on request to a school where the student applies for admission.
  • The University releases information with the understanding that the institution or person receiving the information will not disclose it to any other person without the written consent of the student.
  • Information released for any purpose is limited to the information needed for that purpose.
  • At the request of the student, the University will make available to the student a copy of information that has been released.
  • The custodian of a record may establish reasonable charges for copying information from that record.

Release of Personally Identifiable Information

The Board policy permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information with the written permission of the student or to designated persons without the student's permission.

Student Written Consent Includes:

  • Information necessary for unambiguous identification of the student whose records are to be disclosed;
  • Specification of the record(s) from which information is to be released and of the items of information within the record(s) which are to be released;
  • The person or class of persons who may receive the information;
  • The purpose for which the information is to be released;
  • The date of the request; and
  • The signature of the student.

Custodians of student records may design release consent forms suitable for specific records. It is to be expected that many requests will take the form of letters or forms provided by other institutions. Such requests will be honored if all necessary information is provided.

Release of Information on Groups of Students

Release of information on groups of students is permissible under certain controlled conditions. For information about obtaining student data, such as class lists or college major lists, go to UM Reports. Lists of students to be released to third parties must not include students who have chosen to suppress their public information and cannot contain private student information.

Release of Applicant Information

The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act covers applicants as well as enrolled students. Information about an application may be released to:

  1. the applicant;
  2. the applicant's parents if the applicant is a dependent as defined under the Internal Revenue Code;
  3. persons to whom the applicant has given written permission for access; and
  4. University personnel who have a legitimate need to know the information for educational, administrative, or research purposes.

Release of Student Education Records to Parents

Parents of a dependent student as defined under the Internal Revenue Code may obtain access to their dependent student's education records. Refer parent requests for access to student records to the Office of the Registrar, Twin Cities campus, or to the corresponding unit of the registrar's office on the other campuses of the University.