University of Minnesota  Procedure

Assuring Student Rights Regarding Education Records


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Governing Policy


Please use the contact section in the governing policy.

Board of Regents policy: Student Education Records (PDF) governs the conduct of University Officials and departments as custodians of student education records. The University will take the following actions to assure those records are protected.

  • Each year, the University will publish information in the University Bulletins about Board of Regents Policy: Student Education Records.
  • Each year, active students will be receive a notification about Board of Regents Policy: Student Education Records via email or the information will be published electronically to student accessed web sites.
  • As required by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the University will provide the following information to all individuals who are asked to supply private information about them to the University:
    • The purpose and intended use of the information
    • Whether the individual may refuse or is legally required to supply the data
    • Any known consequences arising from supplying or refusing to supply the information
    • The identity of other persons or agencies that are authorized to receive the data

    Any form requesting private information should include this information.

  • The University will keep a record of each request that has been made for personally identifiable information. This information will be kept with the student record and include the following:
    • Name of the student
    • The name of the persons or institutions that have requested or received personally identified information
    • The reasons for requesting or obtaining the information
    • The disposition of the request
    • The date of the request or release

    No formal record is required in instances of disclosure to the student who is the subject of the record or to persons within the University who are eligible to receive information, nor is a record required when directory information is given.

    The record of disclosure may be inspected by the student who is the subject of the record, by the custodian, and by persons authorized to audit record keeping procedures.