University of Minnesota  Crookston Campus Policy

Academic Probation and Suspension: Crookston


Please use the contact section below.

Policy Statement

The University of Minnesota Crookston Faculty Assembly has established minimum academic progress requirements based on two measures: the cumulative GPA measures performance over time and the term GPA measures performance within the term.  Academic Standards & Policy Committee (AS&P), Student Success Center, Registrar, and the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs have the authority to establish appropriate procedures for academic probation, academic suspension, and academic contract. The Office of Financial Aid monitors separate financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements (See Onestop Student Services - (Crookston:Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)).

The Director of Office of the Registrar examines the academic records of all students at the end of each term (fall, spring and summer).  Suspensions after fall semester are effective for the following spring semester.  Suspensions after spring semester are effective for the following fall semester.  Students suspended for a fall semester may take summer classes.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation if their cumulative GPA is below 2.000. Students placed on academic probation as a formal warning that they must take steps to achieve the university’s academic standards to avoid Academic Contract or suspension/dismissal from the University of Minnesota Crookston (UMC.)

All students must maintain a 2.000 cumulative GPA to stay off academic probation. Students on academic probation are considered to be making academic progress. Academically suspended students, readmitted under the terms of the academic contract, are NOT making satisfactory progress.

Students on academic probation:

  • will have an academic probation hold placed on their record and must see an advisor in order to register;
  • will be limited to a maximum of 15 credits per semester;
  • must develop an Academic Recovery Plan with the Academic Advisor & Student Success Center;
  • may not add a class after the 100% refund period for the term or part-term (e.g., after days 1-5 of a 16-week semester); and
  • must follow the “Probation Minimum Requirements and Action Table” below.
Probation Minimum Requirements and Action Table
Term GPA
2.0 or Higher
Cumulative GPA
2.0 or Higher
Yes Yes Removed from academic probation
Yes No Continued recovery plan on probation
No No Suspension for one term or Academic Recovery Plan

Academic Contract

Academically suspended students may appeal their academic suspension and seek readmission via the Academic Contract if they develop an Academic Recovery Plan with their academic advisor and the Student Success Center and demonstrated implementation of the plan. Students on academic contract, while able to continue studies, are no longer in good academic standing. Good academic standing is a term for used for the purposes of athletic eligibility.

Failure to meet the conditions of the Academic Contract must be followed by one semester of non-enrollment (fall or spring).

Appeal of AS&P Committee Decisions and Suspensions for Violation of the Academic Contract

Students who choose to appeal an Academic Contract suspension decision of the AS&P committee, or who have been suspended for violating the Academic Contract, may submit their appeal request to the Office of the Registrar. The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs is responsible for reviewing these appeals. Procedures and deadlines for appeals submission are clearly stated in the students' suspension letters.

Following the conclusion of fall or spring semester, students who have been academically suspended may have pre-registered for the next semester. The registration will remain valid until all written appeals have been decided. Upon resolution of the written appeal, the class registration of all students who did not appeal their suspension, or who filed an unsuccessful appeal, will be canceled.

Readmission after Academic Suspension

Suspended students are readmitted on academic probation after the required period of non-enrollment. Continued enrollment depends on satisfactorily completing probation requirements.


Students suspended on three occasions are dismissed and not allowed to continue their studies at UMC.

Reason for Policy

To identify any student below the minimum graduation GPA requirement and provide support opportunities for them to raise their GPA.


Subject Contact Phone Email
Primary Contact(s) Jason Tangquist, Registrar 218-281-8424 [email protected]
Responsible Individuals
Policy Owner Primary Contact
  • Registrar, UMC
  • Jason Tangquist
    Registrar, UMC


Students must complete, sign, and return by the stipulated deadline the Academic Contract, Academic Action Plan, and any other required materials.

Other Information

There is no "Other Information" supporting this policy.

Policy History

August 2021 - Minor revisions for clarification.
February 2018 - Standardized the minimum GPA for satisfactory academic progress at 2.000.
August 2015
April 2014

Revised: Faculty Assembly, 3/26/2004; Executive Committee, 6/6/2006; Faculty Assembly, 03/30/2007; 04/24/2009; 2/19/2010, 03/25/2011, 02/24/12, 04/26/2013 Last Reviewed June 2015, 1/26/18